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<br />. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />- <br />'7," <br />"-" <br /> <br />Attes,t: <br /> <br />.,- <br /> <br />,-~ <br /> <br />1 <br />~ ! <br /> <br />.' . <br />s .; <br />II : <br />. . <br />.,~. <br /> <br />.. . <br /> <br />MUNICIPAL MAD.'frENANCE ORDINANCE No. 3!.a <br /> <br />AN ORDINANUE PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PORTION OF all desi~at3d <br />hir;;hvr.~y. .i.9:q:t.~.!;l. """"'" ~........."........ ....,... ,..., ..... , "'"'''''''' IN THE CITY OF <br />.Lt.., .P..Old'E...................""........ ..........................." COUNTY OF.....: J~p..s.!~.... .......".....'... .......". ..................., <br />TEXAS, HEREBy REF.ERRED TO AS MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE .PROJECT AND <br />AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY, OR OTHER AUTHORIZED CITY OFFICIAL, <br />TO EXECUTE AND AFFIX THE CORPORATE SEAL AND ATTEST SAME, A CERrAIN' <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE STATE OF TEXAS, PROVIDIllG 'FOR <br />THE MAINTENANCE AND USE OF THE SAID MAINTENANCE PROJECT; AND DE- <br />ClARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDIllG THAT TIQl3 ORDINANCE SHOULD BE <br />EFFECTIVE F.ROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE. <br /> <br />.WHEREAS, the Public convenienoe, safety and necessity of the <br />City, snd the people of the City requir'e that the portion of..,~l;!.....g.~,~Je;1;);1rt'.\9d.. <br />hi"hvla~r routes 't'Jithin the Citv of La Porte~ Harris County, Tex2s <br />..... ....n.. ..,.:..n.n.................... .... . ... <br />be a.d.eq ua.tely ma. iiltaine.(i~".....s''ing...Btreet....oona'tit1ites....a:....dBng'er...... . <br />and. serious 'inconvenience to the pUblic which 'is urgentl3' I'equired to be <br />remedied.; and <br /> <br />WHEREAs, the City ha.s requested. tha.t the Sta.te of Texas, enter <br />upon and contribute fi~noially' to the ma.intenance of said. pl"oject; and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Sta,te of Texa.S has made it known to the City <br />that it will, with its awn faroes and equipment a,nd at its sole coat and. <br />expense, enter upon and. ma,1ntatn satd project. <br /> <br />'. CrTY COF','CII <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OlIDAINED by the.............,..,....,..,..........:..,.."..........m........"..".. <br /> <br />................... ........................... ................... ..... ..................................................... ........................ ................... ........ ..................................... ............................. <br /> <br />SECTION 1. Tha.t since the public convenience" safety and, necessity <br />of the City and. the people of the City require said project be adequa.tely <br />ma inta,ined,. <br /> <br />SECTION 2. That the Sta.te of Texas be and ts hereby a.uthor1zed. to <br />enter upon and, IDa inta,1n SB,id ma.intenance projeot. <br /> <br />SECTION 3. Tha.t the Ma.yOI', or proper City officia.l, of the City, be and <br />1s hereby a.uthorized to execute for a,nd. on beha.lf of the City an agreement <br />with the State of Texas, in a.ccol'dance with and for the purpose of carrying <br />out the terms end provisions of this o:r-der, in the form attached. hereto and <br />marked "MUNICIPAL Ml\INTENANCE AGREEMENT. II The City Secretary is .hereby <br />directed to a,ttest the agreement and. to affix the proper Beal of the City <br />hereto. <br /> <br />SE~ION 4. The Ma.yor' of the City, having requested in wr'1ting that <br />this ordinBnce take effect forthwith and, there being in fact an emergency <br />and imperative necossity tha.t the wo~k herein provid.ed. for be beglm and. <br />car-ried out promptly and with exped:i.tion and. tha,t the agreement afore- <br />said shall be immediately made, executed, and. delivered to the end. tha"; such <br />work herein prav ided for ma.y be begun and carried, out promptly and. with <br />expedition. The rea,ding of the ordinBnce on three severa 1 da.ys is here by <br />d.lspensed. with and the same sha.ll be in full force and. effeot from and <br />after its passage. <br /> <br />Passed this 13th d~y .fAugu8t~ A.D. 1945 <br /> <br />.'~-f. <br /> <br />10-43-1084 _ I? <br />")." ""7 J ,/ 0..'/ <br />"~~.-z..~~ ;;f/ >t-.";t1r ,..!.-f.-.~ <br />Secret.~y. City vi L. Porte. Tax's <br /> <br /> <br />.. <br />