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<br />,~ <br />,_'. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~'\ <br />e) <br />\.. " <br />,.",./ <br /> <br />.---.... <br />'~"--'" \ <br />, . <br />I <br />,,' j <br />'--_/ <br /> <br />iJ <br /> <br />'---/ <br /> <br />~ -\" <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />($22,000.00) "City Of La Porte Water System Refunding Bonds. Series 194611J and <br />the same shall be assessed and collected and 'applied to the purpose named. <br />(c) There is hereby levied a tax of seven cents (14) on each One Hun- <br />dred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable property in the City of La Porte for <br />tbe year 1955. for the purpose of paying the current interest on. and to provide <br />the necesiary sinking fund for} the Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($15.000.00) <br />"City of La Porte Street Improvement Bonds. Series 1949". and the same shall be <br />assessed and collect~d and applied to the purpose named. <br />(d) There is hereby levied a tax of ten cents (104) on each One Hun- <br />dred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable property in tbe City of La Porte for <br />the year 1955. for the purpose of paying the current interest on. and to provide <br />the necessary sinking fund for. the Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25.000l00) <br />"City of La Porte Garbage Incinerator Bonds} Series 194911. and the same ~hall be <br />assessed and collected and applied to the purpose named. <br />(e) Tbere is hereby levied a tax of twenty-cents (204) on each One Hun <br />dred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable property in the City of La Porte for <br />tbe year 19551 for tbe ~urpose of paying the current interest on. and to provide <br />tbe necessary sinking fund for1 the Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200.000.00) <br />IICity of La Porte Street Improvement Bonds. Series 1953-A" J and the same shall <br />be assessed and collected ~nd applied to the purpose named. <br />(f) There is bereby levied a tax of four cents (44) on each One Hun- <br />dred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable property in the City of La Porte for <br />the year 1955. for the purpose of paying the current interest on. and to provide <br />tbe necessary sinking fund fort the Twelve Thousand Dollars ($121000.00) "City <br />of La Porte City Hal] Bonds. Series 1953"J and the same shall be assessed and <br />collected and ap.plied to the purpose named. <br />(g) There is h'ereby levied a tax of two cents (24) on each One Hundred <br />Dollars ($lOO.OQ) valuation of taxable property in the City of La Porte for the <br />year 1955. for the purpose ~f p~ying the current int,rest on. and to provide the <br />necessary sinking fund 10r. the Twenty-Thousand Dollars ($20JOOO.00) "City of <br />La Porte Street Refunding Bondst Series 1954flt and the same shall be assessed <br />and collected ald applied to the purpose named. <br />(h) There is bereby levied a tax of eight cents (84) on each One Hun- <br />dred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable property in the City of La Porte for <br />the year 1955J for the purpose of paying the current interest on. and to provide <br />