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• <br /> <br />• <br />~ • <br />ORDINANCE N0. c5r Q <br />AN ORDINANCE R9AKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR A MINOR, EXCEPT IN COURSE <br />OF EMPLOYMENT, TO BE ~JPON STREETS OF LA FORTE, TEXAS, BETWEEN <br />THE HOURS OF 11:30 P.Pd. and 5:00 A. M.; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR <br />ANY PARENT OR PERSON HAVING LAWFUL CUSTODY TO PERMIT A MINOR <br />TO BE UPON THE STREETS, WITHIN SUCH TIME LIMITS, UNLESS THERE <br />EXISTS A NECESSITY THEREFOR: PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRO- <br />VIDING THAT ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE A MISDE- <br />MEANOR AND UPON CONVICTION SUCH VIOLATOR SHALL BE ~'IPvED A SUM <br />NOT LESS THAN $5,00 UR RlORE THAI`1 $200.00 AND PROVIDING AN EF- <br />FECTIVE DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINEL! BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA PORTS, TEXAS: <br />SECTION I, That it shall be unlawful for any child under the age of eighteen <br />years to be and remain upon any of the streets of the City of La Porte, except <br />when engaged in lawful employment, between the hours of eleven thirty o'clock <br />p. m, and five o'clock a.m., unless such child shall be accompanied by its paren~ <br />or guardian, or some other person having legal custody of such child. <br />SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian or other person Navin <br />legal care and custody of any child under the age of eighteen years to allow or <br />permit any such child, while in his or her legal custody to go or be upon any o <br />the streets in the City of La Porte within the time and as prohibited in this <br />ordinance, unless there exists a necessity therefor. <br />SECTION 3. Any person found guilty of violating the provisions hereof shall bej <br />guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be fined not less than Five <br />Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. ~ <br />SECTION 4. In the event any section, clause, sentence, or paragraph, or part o: <br />this ordinance shall, for any reason be adjudged by any Court of competent juri; <br />diction to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect, impair or invalidate tl <br />remainder of this ordinance. <br />PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ~° , 1959. <br />P/" <br />2~ ~ ._ ,~ <br />~.. <br />ATTEST: Mayor of the Ci of orte <br />ty Clerk of the City of La Porte <br />~e <br /> <br />