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r <br />. . ~GREE.~IEI3T • <br />NOtd, THEREFORE, in consideration of ttze< premises and of" the mutual covenants <br />• <br />and agreements of the parties hereto to be by ther,~ respectively kept end performed, <br />as hereinafter set forth, it is a.~eed r ~s follows <br />1. The State will ~a.rnish tree neeess~~.r;~ funds for the actual construction; <br />,prepare plans arzd specifications; install said highway traffic signal protect; super- <br />vise construction; a,n~i ,~,~"~~r c:pr~l~le.:.:~.~~~, o-~ coai:,~~,:zv.ction of said highhway traffic <br />signal project, furniM:i ~.he c,lec tricit;;ry eper~::te, ;::.nd ria.i the highway traffic <br />signal protect at its sole: cast $nd expense. <br />2. T~xat the City t~'iil exercise nc~ control Erhatsoever over the operation, <br />maintenance, continued use, or existence of said highw~~,y traffic signal protect <br />without Wri+•Lv7'~ t?lilthtlZ'1'':.;7r bdr t~a.e ~t:'tE? ~~.G,yi~df?y ~Fi'?J7.P.f.'E'r. <br />3. That the Sta~e sr1n11. have tie authority to ; such c1>aa.3ges in the <br /> <br />operation of ~.he highway t;ra,ffic signal ~~s it '~~Y ~.eem necessary and advisable to <br />promote the safe, convenient, a.nd orciNr,y mo~rrment of traffic. <br />4. That the City shall be responsible: for the police enforcerasnt required <br />for securing obedience to the highway tr~~,ffic signal. <br />5. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that <br />the City recognizes that the public convenience, safety, and necessity require the <br />construction of the hi~~~l -traffic sign~:1_ project as herein provided and has con- <br />seated to the construction cif the highw~.y traffic signal project hereinabove named <br />by the approval of the lr~cation and manr~Qr of construction as shown on plans and <br />described in specii'ications att~+ched hereto, maned "Exhibit A", ar_d made a part <br />hereof. <br />~. In the event the terms of trais agreement are in conflict with the <br />• <br />provisions of any other existing agreement and/or oontract between! the City and <br />the State, this agreement shall take precedence over the other agreement and~or <br />contract. A].]. other provisions of said existing agreements and/or contracts not <br />in conflict with this agreement shall in full force and effect. <br />A~eement (Traffic Signal - T:YPe= 1) (Re~~ised 12-1-5~3, District 12} <br />