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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Nonresidential property shall mean any real property within <br />the limits of the city which is not included in the definition <br />of residential property as defined in this section. <br /> <br />Person--Refer to section 1-2 of this Code. <br /> <br />Property line shall mean the line along the ground surface, <br />and its vertical extension, which separates the real property <br />owned, leased or occupied by one person from that owned, <br />leased or occupied by another person and the imaginary line <br />which represents the legal limits of property of any person <br />who owns, leases or otherwise occupies an apartment, <br />condominium, hotel or motel room, office or any other type of <br />occupancy. <br /> <br />Public right-of-way shall mean any street, avenue, <br />boulevard, highway, road, thoroughfare, sidewalk, alley or any <br />other property which is owned or controlled by a governmental <br />entity. <br /> <br />Residential property shall mean any real property used for <br />human habitation and which contains living facilities, <br />including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and <br />sanitation, unless such premises are actually occupied and <br />used primarily for purposes other than human habitation. <br /> <br />Sound shall mean any pressure variation that can be detected <br />by the human ear. <br /> <br />Sound level shall mean the weighted sound pressure level <br />measured by the use of a metering characteristic and weighted <br />as specified in American National Standards Institute <br />Specifications. The sound pressure level of a sound expressed <br />in decibels is 20 micropascals. If the frequency weighting <br />employed is not indicated, the A-weighting shall apply. <br /> <br />Sound level meter shall mean an instrument, which includes <br />a microphone, amplifier, root mean square (RMS) detector, <br />integrator, time average, output meter or weighting network, <br />that is sensitive to pressure fluctuations. The instrument <br />reads sound pressure level when properly calibrated with an <br />acoustical calibrator accurate to +/- two Db (A) and is of type <br />II so specified in ANSI publications. <br /> <br />Sound nuisance shall mean any sound which either exceeds the <br />maximum permitted sound levels specified in section 34-92 of <br />this article, or otherwise unreasonably disturbs, injures or <br />endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of <br />others within the limits of the city. <br /> <br />Sound Official shall mean the Chief of Police or designee of <br />the City of La Porte. <br /> <br />vibration shall mean any oscillatory motion of solid bodies <br />described by displacement, velocity or acceleration." <br /> <br />2 <br />