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6. CONSENT AGENDA (All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be <br />enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a <br />Councilmember requests an item be removed and considered separately.) <br />(a) Consider approval or other action regarding minutes of meeting held on November 14, 2016 <br />— P. Fogarty <br />(b) Consider approval or other action awarding Request for Proposal #17502 for Delinquent Ad <br />Valorem Tax Collection Services — M. Dolby <br />(c) Consider approval or other action regarding a Resolution authorizing publication of a notice <br />of intention to issue certificates of obligation — M. Dolby <br />(d) Consider approval or other action authorizing the Mayor to execute amendments to the <br />Local Government Code Chapter 380 Agreement between the City of La Porte and Ybarra <br />Restaurants, Inc., for waiver of payment for closure of street right-of-way in connection with <br />the construction of a new EI Toro restaurant — T. Leach <br />(e) Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance amending Chapter 70 "Traffic and <br />Vehicles" of the Code of Ordinances by amending truck route regulations to add site plan <br />requirements for establishments offering fuel to commercial vehicles — C. Alexander <br />(f) Consider approval or other action authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement <br />with the City of Morgan's Point to provide an emergency water main interconnect — D. <br />Pennell <br />(g) Consider approval or other action awarding Bid # 17005 for plastic garbage bags — D. <br />Pennell <br />(h) Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and <br />closing a portion of N. 25th Street and West Polk Street rights-of-way — B. Sterling <br />(i) Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance abandoning and releasing an <br />existing 16 -foot -wide public utility easement located within the abandoned east/west alley of <br />Block 48, Town of La Porte, Harris County, Texas — B. Sterling <br />(j) Consider approval or other action regarding a Resolution reaffirming the City's Investment <br />Policy — S. Wolny <br />Consent Items, E, F and G were pulled for questions, and Councilmember Clausen requested Item <br />B to be voted on separately. <br />Regarding Item E, Councilmember J. Martin asked for a review of the changes to the proposed <br />Ordinance. City Manager Corby Alexander advised the proposed Ordinance will require any <br />commercial motor vehicles in combination with a truck and trailer to be limited to fueling at three <br />designated truck stops in the City; and any other commercial motor vehicles not in combination with <br />a truck and trailer will be allowed to fuel at other locations along a truck route provided the location <br />has an approved site plan with the City. <br />Regarding Item F, Councilmember Earp had questions regarding Paragraph 2.5 of the Interlocal <br />Agreement with Morgan's Point, and asked shouldn't the City of La Porte have control over the <br />water usage being turned on by the City of Morgan's Point. Assistant Director of Public Works Don <br />Pennell responded that during an emergency situation the City of Morgan's Point will be allowed to <br />turn the water usage on, and they have to notify the City of La Porte as soon as possible. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Dec. 12, 2016, Council Meeting Minutes <br />