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6. CONSENT AGENDA (All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be <br /> enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a <br /> Councilmember requests an item be removed and considered separately.) <br /> (a) Consider approval or other action regarding minutes of meeting held on January 23. 2017 — <br /> P. Fogarty <br /> (b) Consider approval or other action regarding a Memorandum of Agreement with Shady River <br /> Homeowners Association of a community cooperation project providing for playground <br /> replacement equipment for a total City contribution of$5,000.00 —T. Leach <br /> (c) Consider approval or other action regarding a Resolution authorizing the City of La Porte to <br /> partner with Texas Department of Transportation to commence improvements at the <br /> La Porte Municipal Airport—T. Leach <br /> (d) Consider approval or other action regarding a Resolution authorizing the resale of tax <br /> delinquent properties located at Lots 1-3, Block 17 Sylvan Beach — S. Wolny <br /> (e) Consider approval or other action regarding the 2016 City of La Porte Police Department <br /> Racial Profiling Report— K. Adcox <br /> Regarding Item D, Councilmember Zemanek questioned the process for moving forward with the <br /> resale of tax delinquent properties, that sometimes they go to an auction and sometimes they go <br /> through a situation like this today. City Manager Corby Alexander informed him that when <br /> properties initially go delinquent, the initial process is the delinquent tax attorney files suit to collect <br /> payment, goes to court, and wins a judgment. After that judgment is secured, the properties are <br /> then auctioned off at a monthly public auction conducted by the Constable's Office. The properties <br /> the City is dealing with now didn't sell at the initial auction; so, he believes the City holds on to them <br /> for six months and makes them available, provided someone comes in with either the total taxes <br /> and fees or the adjudged amount, whichever is less. That's all prescribed by law. <br /> Councilmember Zemanek stated he is looking at the Foreclosure Summary Statement, and it says <br /> that the judgement is against Creed Corporation. But in November 1, 1995, title of that property <br /> changed to La Porte First Corporation. Who is that? Finance Director Michael Dolby responded the <br /> delinquent tax attorney will have to answer that question. Councilmember Zemanek asked why <br /> Creed Corporation is listed as who the judgment is against in this case when there is another title <br /> holder in between the time of 1987 and the time of the sale in 2015. Mr. Dolby stated they would <br /> have to talk to the delinquent tax attorney to get answers to the title questions. He stated we do <br /> know, however, that it was struck-off after the auction, and it did revert back to us as the trustee <br /> and now someone has come in and put a bid on the property. All of the proper title transfers have <br /> occurred in order for the sale to go forward. Councilmember Zemanek stated that the title <br /> transferred from La Porte First to the City of La Porte and not Creed Corporation to the City of <br /> La Porte. City Manager Alexander stated that typically when the tax attorney files suit, they are <br /> required to notify anyone who has an ownership interest in the property before they go to court. He <br /> further stated if the documents Council has received in the packet are unclear, the summary form <br /> can be easily revised since it is a City-produced form. <br /> Councilmember Zemanek stated the bidder is Knox Askins, Trustee; and the person who prepared <br /> the resolution is Clark Askins. Is that a conflict of interest? Should someone else have prepared <br /> the resolution? Assistant City Attorney Clark Askins stated there is no conflict; Knox Askins was <br /> acting as a trustee for a buyer and was not the buyer, not acting in the role of city attorney. <br /> Councilmember Zemanek asked City Manager Alexander what his thoughts are on this. City <br /> Manager Alexander stated there is nothing different than if it was Joe Citizen. If a councilmember <br /> has any misgivings, though, we can run it by a third party attorney. Councilmember Zemanek <br /> stated it just does not pass the sniff test. He also asked how someone finds out about these <br /> properties. Shelley Wolny stated there is a link to the properties listed, and it will be sent to him. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> Feb. 13, 2017, Council Meeting Minutes <br />