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0 s <br />City Council Meeting Minutes - February 23, 1998 <br />Page 2. <br />4. PROCLAMATIONS: <br />A. EDUCATION FOUNDATION CELEBRATION <br />Mayor Pro -Tern Guy Sutherland proclaimed March 19, 1998 as the fifth annual <br />Education Foundation Celebration Day. Jan Lawler accepted the award and <br />invited everyone to attend. She noted she expected approximately 1000 people <br />would attend. <br />B. TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK <br />Mayor Pro-Tem Guy Sutherland proclaimed March 15 through 21, 1998 as <br />Texas Public Schools Week. Cleo Davison and Beth Rickert accepted the award <br />and thanked everyone. <br />5. PETITIONS, REMONSTRANCES, COMMUNICATIONS, AND <br />CITIZENS AND TAX PAYERS WISHING TO ADDRESS COUNCIL <br />There: were no citizens wishing to address City Council. <br />6. CONSIDER APPROVAL OR OTHER ACTION REGARDING A <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF RIGHTS -OF - <br />WAY FOR FLOOD CONTROL PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF LA <br />PORTE (Res. 98-01) - J. Joerns <br />Mr. Joerns presented summary and recommendation to City Council. Mr. <br />Joerns advised Council this resolution is similar to other resolutions passed by <br />the City when we are pursuing certain land acquisitions. This Ordinance <br />authorizes City Attorney Knox Askins to represent the City in the acquisition of <br />property for Flood Control purposes. It further provides that in the event the <br />owners and the City cannot agree on fair market value, the City Attorney is <br />authorized to initiate eminent domain proceedings to acquire the property. <br />In addition, the attached documentation will be filed for record at the Harris <br />County Courthouse. This information will be picked up by future title searches <br />and alert any potential buyers of these properties that the City intends to acquire <br />property for this project. <br />Mr. Joerns requested Council to consider approval of Resolution 98-01 and <br />authorize Knox -Askins, City Attorney, to represent the City of La Porte in the <br />acquisition of the described property for purposes of the F 101 Project. <br />