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<br />• <br />10. CONSIDER APPROVAL OR OTHER ACTION REGARDING AN ORDINANCE <br />APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA PORTE AND THE LA PORTE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL <br />DISTRICT' (Ord. 98-2224) R.T. Herrera <br />11. CONSIDER APPROVAL OR OTHER ACTION REGARDING AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 62, ARTICLE II, "VACATING, ABANDONING AND CLOSING <br />STREETS AND ALLEY", SECTIONS 62-31, 62-32 AND 62-35, OF THE CODE OF <br />ORDINAI`TCES OF THE CITY OF LA PORTE - (Ord. 98-2225) J. Litchtield <br />12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />A. MARCH 9, 1998 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE <br />13. COUNCIL, ACTION <br />l4. EXECUTIVE SESSION -PURSUANT TO PROVISION OF THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW, <br />CHAPTEP: 551.071 THROUGH 551.076, AND 551.084, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, - <br />(CONSUL'TATION WITH ATTORNEY, DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL <br />PROPERTY, DELIBERATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE GIFT OR DONATION, <br />PERSONNEL MATTERS, CONFERENCE WITH EMPLOYEES, DELIBERATION <br />REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES, OR EXCLUDING A WITNESS DURING <br />EXAMIN~-TION OF ANOTHER WITNESS IN AN INVESTIGATION) <br />A. SECTION 551-072 (REAL PROPERTY) <br />MEET V4'ITH CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING LAND <br />ACQUISTIION <br />B. SECTION 551-074 (PERSONNEL) <br />CONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO THE AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />15. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON ITEMS CONS.[DERED IN EXECUTIVE <br />SESSION <br />16. ADJOURNMENT <br />If during the courst; of the meeting covered by this agenda the Council should determine that a closed or <br />executive meeting or session of the Council should be held or is required in relation to an item noticed <br />in this agenda, there such closed or executive meeting or sessions authorized by the Open Meetings Law, <br />Chapter 551, Texas Government Code; will be held by the Council at that date, hour and place given in <br />the meeting notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by the meeting notice as <br />the Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session concerning any and <br />all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Sections 551.071 through 551.076, and Section <br />SSl .084, of said Open Meetings Law, including, but not limited to: <br />Section 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Council's attorney on any <br />subject or matter authorized by law. <br />