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Mr. Ron Bottoms, City Manager <br />October 1, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 31 <br />19NININ0131402.1 fig <br />k I o t z associates <br />! 1! <br />13 1 11111rivirmll iliiirimlt mi� miretrill 1� 101111MIJ <br />habitable structure must provide a limshed tloor slab which is at least 1) 12 inches <br />,• the top •i curb at its highest •• along the • the curb • the <br />building site; 2) 18 inches above the crown of the road elevation along the road <br />• the building site; and 3) 12 inches .•• the ground • • all <br />sides of the building site. Provision is provided for alternative methods of <br />protection with approval of the City Engineer. <br />A review of the design criteria for the City of La Porte and surrounding areas, <br />including Harris County, Pearland, Galveston County, Chambers County, and <br />Brazoria, County, found a mixture of municipal • water or • sewer <br />design criteria. Both the City of Houston and the City of La Porte have <br />standardized stonn sewer design requirements. The nearby cities of Deer Park <br />and Baytown do not have specific standards that are to be used by the public or <br />engineering • for storm water • Other cities in the region, such as <br />Sugar Land, Pearland, Friendswood, and Missouri City, have • sewer design <br />requirements. Some cities, such as Mont Belvieu, utilize county standards as <br />surrogates for city -adopted standards. HCFCD has design guidelines available on <br />its website. <br />RUNNFNFITIVW��, �� <br />Chapter •4 • the City's Code of Ordinances addresses flood hazard and potential <br />construction in •- flood hazard areas. Standards applicable to new <br />construction or substantial improvements in special flood hazard zones require a <br />variety of measures for sound construction of structures and installation of <br />utilities to eliminate or reduce damages from floods. These standards also include <br />the following requirements: <br />• Lowest floor elevation • new residential structures must •- I -foot •r 01 <br />•. flood (100-year) elevation <br />• Lowest floor elevation • new non-residential structures must • at or abo <br />the base flood elevation (or equivalent structure protection must be provided] <br />Special requirements also apply for manufactured homes to prevent floatation, <br />collapse, or lateral movement. <br />These .r• requirements for construction in •` flood hazard areas are <br />consistent with many communities in the Houston •#• area. <br />