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<br />and paid during the Policy year. <br />CI Covered expenses paid during the Policy year. <br />m Covered expenses incurred within the J.1. month <br />period prior to coverage effectm date and paid during the Policy year. <br />o Covered expenses incurred during the Policy year <br />and paid within _ months aftc:c the Policy year. <br /> <br />l1IE APPLICANT AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, DEPENDING UPON THE COVERAGE <br />SELECI'ED AND THE TERMS OF ANY EXPIRING COVERAGE OR COVERAGE THE APPLICANT MAY <br />ELECr IN THE FUTURE, THE APPLICANT MAY EXPERIENCE LOSSES THAT ARE Nor COVERED <br />UNDER THE POLICY, WHEN ISSUED, OR UNDER ANY SUCH PRIOR OR SUBSEQUENT COVERAGE. <br /> <br />20. Spcx:ificprcmimnrates. ... . . . .. . . .. . .. .. Single; 17.61 <br />Family: 42.84 <br />COI:rIpositc: <br /> <br />$15,060.88 <br />21. A deposit of is enclosed to apply to the first payment undcr the Policy, ifissucd, subject to the requirements <br />below. If the Application is not accepted, the deposit will be returned. <br /> <br />1t is undctstood and a~ that as a condition precedem to 1he approval of the Appfu:alion that: <br /> <br />a) Any Excess Loss Insurance resulting from this Application shall be as descnbed in and shall be subject to the terms <br />and provisions of the Policy. when issued. Such Policy shall become effective on the date specified in this <br />Application; provided. that, including. without limitation; (1) a true and cmrcct Disclosure Statement has been <br />received. (2) the undc:rwriting rcquircmcms have been satisfied. (3) the required premimns have bc= paid, (4) a copy <br />of the executed Plan is received and acceptable to the Company pursuant to paragraph b below, and (5) the Policy has <br />been issued. <br /> <br />b) Within [ninety days] from the date oftbis Application, the Applicant shall furnish to CFE M2J12gement LLC or <br />Standard Security Life Insurance Company ofN~ Yotk, (the Company), for its approval, a copy of the executed <br />employee benefit plan (the; Plan) dcscnoing the benefits provided by the Plan. The Plan shan be kept on file in the <br />o~ of CFE Madsaement LLC or the Company. No Policy will be released nor claim reimbursed unUl such time <br />as acceptable Plan is RCeivcd and accepted by the Company- If a copy oftbc; Plan is not received by CFE <br />Management LLC or the Company within [ninety days] from the date oftbis Application. all premium w1l1 be <br />refundc:d anc:l coverage will be automaticany null and void retroactive to the proposed effective date. if in the sole <br />judgment of CFE Management LLC or the Company there is a matmal vatiance between the provisions of the Plan <br />received by CFE ManageJDtnt LLC or the Cotnpany, and the plan provisions upon which the terms and rdtcs ofthc: <br />aggregate and specific Q{teSs coverage Wel'C based, CFE Management LLC or the Company may. at its option. <br />notify the Applicant of such variances and decline to release the Policy until such time as an amended Plan is received <br />and accepted and, in the event such aIDemdP.d, not reccivcd and accepted by CFE Management LLC or the <br />Company within [thirty days] of such notice, all premium will be refunded and coverage will automatically be null and <br />void retroactive to the proposed effective date. <br /> <br />c) The Applicant WIll provide or employ supervision and claim adminisU'ation facilities acceptable to CFE <br />Management LLC or the Company to administer the Plan and to process and pay claims a.ccardiog to the Plan. <br /> <br />d) The receipt by the Company ofk <kpositlisted in item number 21 oftbis Application and the deposit of any check. <br /> <br />SL-2001-APP <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />(6101) <br />