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City Council Meeting - ~y 21, 2003 -Page 2 <br />7. City Manager Debra Feazelle presented Council with a report from Chamber of Commerce <br />on Hotel Tax. <br />Chamber of Commerce President Colleen Hicks provided City Council with a report on <br />Hotel Motel Tax expenditures. <br />Ms. Hicks noted there was a typo on the Subway Sandwich sales increased by 175% rather <br />than 75% as shown on the handout. <br />Ms. Hicks noted the Chamber will be requesting an increase from the City in the upcoming <br />budget year. <br />8. Emergency Services Director Joe Sease provided Mayor and City Council with an overview <br />on the use of property valuations in calculating fees for fire protection services. A revised <br />calculations spreadsheet was placed at the table. It replaces the original spreadsheet <br />provided in the packet. <br />Mayor and City Council directed Mr. Sease to visit with other City's and bring to a future <br />meeting for action. <br />9. Steve Gillett presented Council with a presentation on proposed revision to Industrial Waste <br />Ordinance and proposed Funding Resolution. Mr. Gillett noted this item will be placed on <br />the July 28, 2003 City Council Agenda for approval. <br />10. Mayor Norman Malone discussed Boards and Commission Appointments and provided staff <br />with direction. <br />Council discussed the following reappointments, changes and future discussions: <br />Airport Advisory Committee - It was the consensus of Council to reappoint Hector <br />Villarreal and Tucker Grant for an additional term. <br />Board of Adjustment - It was the consensus of Council not to reappoint Willie Walker or <br />Ruben L. Salinas to conflicts preventing their attendance at meetings. It was the consensus <br />of Council to move Charles Shoppe and George Maltsberger in Positions 4 and 5. It was the <br />consensus of Council to appoint Barbara Norwine and Bernard Legrand to the Alternate 1 <br />and 2 positions. <br />Mr. Warren will contact Willie Walker. The City Secretary was directed to contact the <br />others. <br />Civil Service Commission -The City Manager had no recommendations at this time. This <br />item will beā€¢discussed at a future meeting. <br />Fire Code Review Committee - It was the consensus of City Council to reappoint Richard <br />Browder, Tom Hayes, Floyd Craft, Rick Luna, Bryan Moore and Sam Brechtel for another <br />term. <br />