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indebtedness by LESSEE. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LESSEE shall have the right to rent the <br />leased premises to a third party on an hourly and daily basis for special events such as birthday parties <br />and family reunions. <br />VII. <br />The LESSEE shall open the Fairmont Park West swimming pool and appurtenant park space to <br />residents of Fairmont Park West subdivision, with or without charge or fee. Due to the swimming pool <br />being available for use only by residents of Fairmont Park West subdivision, the LESSEE shall operate <br />the swimming pool as a Class C pool and as such shall not be required to provide lifeguards so long <br />as the existing diving board is removed and no diving board or slide is installed during the lease term, <br />in accordance with 25 TAC §265.199(g)(9)]. In addition, 1) a sign shall be placed in plain view and <br />shall state "NO DIVING" along with an international warning symbol for no diving. The letters "NO <br />DIVING" and the symbol shall be at least 4 inches high); 2) a warning sign shall be placed in plain view <br />and shall state "WARNING -NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY" with clearly legible letters at least 4 inches <br />high. Such sign shall also state in letters at least 2 inches high "CHILDREN SHOULD NOT USE POOL <br />WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION"; and 3) if a telephone is not readily visible from the pool, directions <br />shall be posted regarding its location. Furthermore, the transition point of the pool from the shallow area <br />to the deep area of the pool shall be visually separated by a 4 -inch minimum width row of floor tile, a <br />painted line, or similar means using a color contrasting with the bottom. will be required to provide <br />general, routine and normal upkeep (i.e. application of swimming pool chemicals, cleaning, etc.) of the <br />swimming pool and pool house. Additionally, the LESSEE shall be responsible for general, routine and <br />normal maintenance of the appurtenant park space, specifically including the playground equipment <br />and other amenities situated thereon, and agrees to be responsible for mowing and landscaping of the <br />leased premises (including areas immediately surrounding the swimming pool). The LESSEE is also <br />