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alternate fundinq for the remaining project% the motion was adopted, 8-1, Councilperson Garza voting <br />against. <br />p4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve a nominations(s) to fill an open positon(s) <br />on the Fiscal Affairs Committee [Mayor Louis R. Rigby] <br />No nominations were made. <br />7. REPORTS <br />(a) Receive a report on the Drainage and Flooding Committee meeting. [Councilperson Jay Martin] <br />Councilperson Martin reported on the Drainage and Flooding Committee meeting held OO noting <br />updates were received from Jeremy Ratcliff of the Harris Council Flood Control District (HCFCD) and City <br />Engineer Lorenzo Wingate. <br />8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />~ Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, Thursday, July 18.2O1S <br />~ City Council Meeting, Thursday, July 22.2O19 <br />~ Zoning Board ofAdjustment Meeting, Thursday, July 25.2O19 <br />City Manager Corby Alexander said there were noreports hbegiven. <br />9\ COUNCIL COMMENTS regarding matters appearing on theagenda; recognition ofcommunity members, <br />city employees, and upcoming events; inquiry of staff regarding specific factual information orexisting <br />Cound|persona congratulated the Parks and Recreation Department on their City <br />employees d the Rotary Club for awonderful Fourth of July parade and events; offered gratitude to LPPD. <br />Code Enforcement, and other City departments who helped out local veteran in recovery; recognized the City <br />Manager and Finance Director for the CIP discussion and suggested bringing forth guidelines for future budget <br />discussions; thanked EMS fordhegood job they doall the time; acknowledged the assistance ofthe City Manager <br />and staff on a proposed electric line project for working with Harris County to find o better solution; gave <br />appreciation to the staff and Council for patience while m new member worked through tonight's budget <br />discussion-, reported on a visit this morning with former Mayor Virginia Cline. <br />Page 2of2 <br />