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Mayor Rigby opened the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. Ian Clowes, City Planner, provided a brief presentation for <br />all three items, and explained the three additional conditions of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Applicant <br />Justin Bennett said he has taken measures in the design of the building to alleviate the concerns presented <br />previously, reducing door count and reducing the truck court by increasing parking to attract a different type of <br />light manufacturing business in the proposed facility. Theresa Nowetner spoke in opposition to the project, due <br />to an increase in overall truck traffic, and her opinion that there was strong public disapproval. Sue Sabin shared <br />that she "did not have a problem" with the concerns raised, as the area has always been industrial. Chuck Rosa <br />spoke in support of the project, and suggested the City work on the roads and increasing the number of trucks. <br />Aaron Kimball said against the project due to the current amount of truck traffic and how trucks are driven in <br />the area, although he was not against increasing industrial development per se, but with a balance with other <br />types of business. The Mayor closed the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. <br />Councilperson Garza moved to deny the recommendation from Planning and Zoning and deny the applicant's <br />request to amend the City's Future Land Use Map Component of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The motion <br />was not adopted. 3-6. Councilpersons Garza. Lunsford. and Oieda voting in support. <br />Councilperson Earp adopt Ordinance 2019-3750 amending the City's Future Land Use Map, the motion was <br />adopted, 6-3, Councilpersons Garza, Lunsford, and Oieda voting against. <br />(b) The City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments regarding a recommendation by the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt Ordinance 2019-3751 amending the Code of Ordinances of <br />the City of La Porte, Chapter 106 "Zoning" by granting Zone Change #19-92000002, a change from <br />General Commercial (GC) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a 5.061 acre tract of land located at <br />the NE corner of S.16th St. and the W. M St. ROW, legally described as Lots 1-32, Block 1144 and Lots <br />1-32, Block 1143, La Porte Subdivision, followed by discussion and possible action to consider <br />adopting Ordinance 2019-3751 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Porte, Chapter 106 <br />"Zoning" by granting Zone Change #19-92000002, a change from General Commercial (GC) to Planned <br />Unit Development (PUD) for a 6.061 acre tract of land located at the NE corner of S.16th St. and the W. <br />M St. ROW, legally described as Lots 1-32, Block 1144 and Lots 1-32, Block 1143, La Porte <br />Subdivision.[lan Clowes, City Planner] <br />Mayor Rigby opened the public hearing at 6:56 p.m. No comments were offered. The Mayor closed the public <br />hearina at 6:56 p.m. <br />Councilperson Martin moved to approve the recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission and <br />adopt Ordinance 2019-3751 • the motion was adopted 6-3 Councilpersons Garza Lunsford and Oieda voting <br />against. <br />(c) The City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments regarding a recommendation by the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt Ordinance 2019-3752 amending the Code of Ordinances of <br />the City of La Porte, Chapter 106 "Zoning" by granting Special Conditional Use Permit #19-91000003 to <br />allow for an industrial office/warehouse facility on a 5.051 acre tract of land, legally described as Lots <br />1-32, Block 1144 and Lots 1-32, Block 1143, La Porte Subdivision in the Planned Unit Development <br />(PUD) zoning district; Discussion, and possible action to consider adopting Ordinance 2019-3752 <br />amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Porte, Chapter 106 "Zoning" by granting Special <br />Conditional Use Permit #19-91000003 to allow for an industrial office/warehouse facility on a 6.061 acre <br />tract of land, legally described as Lots 1-32, Block 1144 and Lots 1-32, Block 1143, La Porte Subdivision <br />in the Planned Unit Development (PUD), zoning district. [Ian Clowes, City Planner] <br />Mayor Rigby opened the public hearing at 7:08 p.m. There were no comments. The Mayor closed the public <br />hearing at 7:08 p.m. <br />Councilperson Martin moved to approve the recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt <br />Ordinance 2019-3752: the motion was 6-3, Councilpersons Garza. Lunsford, and Oieda voting against. <br />6. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />(a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to adopt Ordinance 2019-3746 for the purpose of granting <br />a franchise to CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., to locate and operate facilities for transmission of <br />natural gas in public rights -of -way, for a term of ten years, second reading. [Corby Alexander, City <br />Manager] <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />August 26, 2019, Council Meeting Minutes <br />