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c. Award Bid #20015 to Android Construction, LLC, authorize the City Manager to execute a <br /> contract in the amount of $84,500.00, and approve a project contingency of $8,450.00, for a <br /> total authorization of $92,950.00. [Ray Mayo, Public Works Director] <br /> d. Adopt Ordinances 2020-IDA-139 through 2020-IDA-142, authorizing the execution of <br /> Industrial District Agreements with companies in the Battleground and Bayport Industrial <br /> Districts, for a twelve- (12-) year term beginning January 1, 2020. [Corby Alexander, City <br /> Manager] <br /> e. Adopt Resolution 2020-16 authorizing the resale of tax delinquent property described as Lots <br /> 25 and 26, Block 252 of the Town of La Porte. [Shelley Wolny, Treasurer] <br /> f. Adopt Resolution 2020-17 authorizing the resale of tax delinquent property described as Lots <br /> 21 and 22, Block 73, Bay Front Addition to the City of La Porte. [Shelley Wolny, Treasurer] <br /> g. Adopt Resolution 2020-18 authorizing the resale of tax delinquent property described as Lot <br /> 1, 2, & 3, Block 1045, of the Town of La Porte. [Shelley Wolny, Treasurer] <br /> h. Adopt Resolution 2020-19 authorizing the resale of tax delinquent property described as Lots <br /> 3 and 4, Block 67, Bay Front Addition to the Town of La Porte. [Shelley Wolny, Treasurer] <br /> i. Adopt Resolution 2020-20 authorizing the resale of tax delinquent property described as Lots <br /> 17 and 18, Block 73, Bay Front Addition to the Town of La Porte. [Shelley Wolny, Treasurer] <br /> Councilperson Ojeda asked that the minutes be amended to note that she said she "did not feel like <br /> the taxpayers of La Porte should have to pay for an HOA pool." The addition was accepted without <br /> objection. Councilperson Engelken moved to approve the consent agenda, including the amended <br /> minutes, less item d (to be voted on separately): the motion was adopted, 7-0. Councilperson <br /> Engelken moved to approve item d; the motion was adopted 6-0 (Councilperson Earp had previously <br /> signed a Conflict of Interest affidavit and did not participate in the discussion or vote on the item). <br /> 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ASSOCIATED ORDINANCES <br /> a The City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments regarding a recommendation <br /> by the Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt Ordinance 2020-3793 amending the Code <br /> of Ordinances of the City of La Porte, Chapter 106 "Zoning" by granting Zone Change #20- <br /> 92000001, a change from High Density Residential (R-3) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br /> for a 5.798-acre tract of land located at the 1300 Blocks of South Broadway and Oregon Streets <br /> and legally described as the E 115' of Lots 1-16, Lots 17-32, and abandoned alley, Block 1159, <br /> Lots 4-29 and Tracts 3A and 30A, Block 1160, La Porte Subdivision, Lot 5, Block 19, Sylvan <br /> Beach Subdivisions and a portion of the East L St. and Texas Ave. rights-of-way; followed by <br /> discussion and possible action to consider adopting Ordinance 2020-3793 amending the Code <br /> of Ordinances of the City of La Porte, Chapter 106 "Zoning" by granting Zone Change #20- <br /> 92000001, a change from High Density Residential (R-3) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br /> for a 5.798-acre tract of land located at the 1300 Blocks of South Broadway and Oregon Streets <br /> and legally described as R the E 115' of Lots 1-16, Lots 17-32, and abandoned alley, Block <br /> 1159, Lots 4-29 and Tracts 3A and 30A, Block 1160, La Porte Subdivision, Lot 5, Block 19, <br /> Sylvan Beach Subdivisions and a portion of the East L St. and Texas Ave. rights-of-way [Ian <br /> Clowes, City Planner] <br /> Mayor Rigby opened the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. Ian Clowes, City Planner gave a presentation. <br /> Scott A. Boyle and Steve Surofchek asked the Council postpone consideration of the item. Charles <br /> Anders and Jon Skeele, of Bayway Homes, offered clarification on the project and their process. <br /> Chuck Rosa spoke in favor of the project. Mayor Rigby closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br /> Councilperson Martin moved to uphold the Planning and Zoning Commission's denial of the <br /> application for Zone Change request#20-92000001, for a 5.498-acre tract of land located at the 1300 <br /> Blocks of South Broadway and Oregon Streets, and legally described as the E 115' of Lots 1-16, Lots <br /> 17-32, and an abandoned alley, Block 1159. Lots 4-29 and Tracts 3A and 30A, Block 1160, La Porte <br /> Subdivision, Lot 5, Block 19, Sylvan Beach Subdivisions and a portion of the East L Street and Texas <br /> Avenue rights-of-way; the motion was adopted; the motion was adopted, 7-0. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> July 13, 2020, Council Meeting Minutes <br />