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d. Adopt Ordinance 2022-3867 for street and alley closure request #21-26000006, to vacate, <br />abandon, and close the H Street right-of-way situated between North Broadway Street and <br />8t' Street, and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed to the adjoining landowners <br />and repealing Ordinance 2021-3855. [Corby Alexander, City Manager] <br />e. Adopt Ordinance 2022-3868 approving amendments to the City of La Porte Fiscal Year 2021- <br />22 Budget. [Shelley Wolny, Assistant Finance Director] <br />f. Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services contract with CobbFendley <br />and Associates, Inc. for engineering required for utility relocations related to the State <br />Highway 146 widening project. [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works] <br />Councilperson Bentley pulled item b and Councilperson Garza pulled items a and f. Councilperson <br />Garza moved to postpone consideration of item b to the next meeting: the motion was not seconded <br />and was not considered. Councilperson Bentley moved to approve items a. c, and d: the motion <br />was seconded by Councilperson McCaulley: the motion was adopted. 8-0. <br />Councilperson McCaulley moved to approve an expenditure of the La Porte Development <br />Corporation in an amount not to exceed $27,308.00 to fund an economic incentive agreement <br />between the La Porte Development Corporation and Mark Rosado for the construction of <br />Battleground Saloon at 116 S. Broadway St.: Mayor Pro Tem Martin seconded the motion: the <br />motion was adopted. 6-2. Councilpersons Bentley and Garza voting against. <br />Councilperson McCaulley moved to adopt Ordinance 2022-3868 approving amendments to the <br />City of La Porte Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget: the motion was seconded by Councilperson <br />Engelken: the motion was adopted. 7-1. Councilperson Garza voting against. <br />Councilperson McCaulley moved to authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services <br />contract with CobbFendley and Associates. Inc. for engineering required for utility relocations <br />related to the State Highway 146 widening project: the motion was seconded by Councilperson <br />Bentley: the motion was adopted. 7-1. Councilperson Garza voting against. <br />6. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve amendments to the March 27, <br />2017, Local Government Code Chapter 380 Agreement between the City of La Porte and <br />Oakland Land & Development, Inc. [Corby Alexander, City Manager] <br />Councilperson McCaulley moved to approve amendments to the March 27, 2017, Local <br />Government Code Chapter 380 Agreement between the City of La Porte and Oakland Land & <br />Development. Inc.: the motion was seconded by Councilperson Bentley: the motion was adopted. <br />7-1, Mayor Pro Tern Martin voting against. <br />7. REPORTS <br />a. Receive report of the Drainage and Flooding Committee meeting. [Mayor Pro Tern Martin, <br />Chair] <br />Mayor Pro Tern Martin reported the Committee met and received updates on the project with the <br />City of Pasadena and with HCFCD, as well as other City projects, and expects to meet next on <br />March 14, 2022. <br />8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />• Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, February 17, 2022 <br />• Fiscal Affairs Committee meeting, February 28, 2022 <br />• City Council meeting, February 28, 2022 <br />City Manager Corby Alexander introduced new Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator, Adam <br />Kolenc. <br />