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BRENT WCAULLEY, CHAIR <br />Councilperson at Large B <br />CHUCK ENGELKEN <br />Councilperson DISTRCT 2 <br />BILL BENTLEY <br />Councilperson District 3 <br />LA PORTE COMMUNITY FENCING PROJECT -MEETING AGENDA <br />Notice is hereby given of a regular meeting of the La Porte Community Fencing Project to be held <br />February 28, 2022 , beginning at 5:15 PM in the City Hall Council Chamber, 604 West Fairmont <br />Parkway, La Porte, Texas, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda <br />items are subject to action. <br />Remote participation is available, also. Attend via a screen using this link: <br />https://us02web.zoo m. usA/87338451427?pwd=N HRwSVJuM VBwZkJrRI U rUTQCM HFM2zO9 <br />Join by phone at 888 475 4499 or 877 853 5257. The meeting ID is 873 3845 1427. The passcode is <br />540673. <br />1. CALL TO ORDER <br />2. CITIZEN COMMENT (Generally limited to five minutes per person; in accordance with state law, the time <br />may be reduced if there is a high number of speakers or other considerations.) <br />3. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />(a) Approve minutes of the regular La Porte Community Fencing Project meeting held on January <br />24, 2022. [Brent McCaulley, Chair] <br />(b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding potential changes to the City's <br />Community Fence Funding program/policy. [Corby Alexander, City Manager] <br />4. COMMITTEE COMMENT Hear announcements concerning matters appearing on the agenda; items <br />of community interest, and/or inquiries of staff regarding specific factual information or existing policy <br />from the Committee members, City staff, for which no formal action will be discussed or taken. <br />5. ADJOURN <br />If, during the course of the meeting and discussion of any items covered by this notice, City Council determines that a Closed or <br />Executive Session of the Council is required, then such closed meeting will be held as authorized by Texas Government Code, <br />Chapter 551, Section 551.071 - consultation with counsel on legal matters; Section 551.072 - deliberation regarding purchase, <br />exchange, lease or value of real property; Section 551.073 - deliberation regarding a prospective gift; Section 551.074 - personnel <br />matters regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or <br />employee; Section 551.076 - implementation of security personnel or devices; Section 551.087 - deliberation regarding economic <br />development negotiation; Section 551.089 - deliberation regarding security devices or security audits, and/or other matters as <br />authorized under the Texas Government Code. If a Closed or Executive Session is held in accordance with the Texas Government <br />Code as set out above, the City Council will reconvene in Open Session in order to take action, if necessary, on the items <br />addressed during Executive Session. <br />Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the <br />City Secretary's office (281-470-5019), two working days prior to the meeting for appropriate arrangements. <br />Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.127, on a regular, non -emergency basis, members may attend and participate in the <br />meeting remotely by video conference. Should that occur, a quorum of the members will be physically present at the location noted <br />above on this agenda. <br />CERTIFICATE <br />