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contingency of 25,000.00, for a total authorization of $400,000.00 [Ray Mayo, Director of <br />Public Works] <br />Prior to the meeting, the City Manager requested item f be pulled and will be placed on a future <br />agenda. Councilperson Garza pulled item c. Councilperson Bentley moved to approve items a, b, <br />d, and e: the motion was seconded by Councilperson Engelken: the motion was adopted. 8-0. <br />Councilperson Garza moved to reject Bid 22011 and direct the City Manager to redirect his staff to <br />rebid the item: Mayor Pro Tern Martin seconded the motion: the motion was not adopted, 3-5, <br />Mayor Pro Tern Martin and Councilpersons McLarrin and Garza voting in favor. Councilperson <br />Bentley moved to reject Bid 22011, the motion was seconded by Councilperson McCaulley: the <br />motion was adopted, 7-1, Councilperson Garza voting against. <br />5. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a. Accept proposal from Freese and Nichols, Inc. under RFP No. 22500 - Comprehensive Plan <br />Update and authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with <br />Freese and Nichols, Inc. to complete the City of La Porte's Comprehensive Plan update. <br />[Teresa Evans, Director of Planning and Development] <br />Councilperson Garza moved to direct staff to reject the proposal and conduct a plan review <br />internally: the motion was not seconded and was not considered. <br />Councilperson Bentley moved to accept the proposal from Freese and Nichols, Inc. under RFP No. <br />22500 — Comprehensive Plan Update and authorized the City Manager to execute a professional <br />service agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc. to complete the City of La Porte's Comprehensive <br />Plan update; the motion was seconded by Councilperson McCaulley; the motion was adopted, 7- <br />1, Councilperson Garza voting against. <br />6. REPORTS <br />a. Receive report of the Fiscal Affairs Committee meeting. [Councilperson Engelken] <br />Councilperson Engelken said the Committee had accepted the Annual Comprehensive Financial <br />Report. <br />b. Receive report of the Drainage and Flooding Committee meeting. [Mayor Pro Tern Martin, <br />Chair] <br />Mayor Pro Tern Martin shared that the Committee had discussed ongoing activities with a <br />representative of Harris County Flood Control District, received updates from Lorenzo Wingate, <br />Assistant Director of Public Works, and set the next meeting for April 11. <br />7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />• Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, March 17 <br />• City Council meeting, March 28 <br />• La Porte Development Corporation Board meeting, March 28 <br />City Manager Corby Alexander said the cleanup of the gasoline spill was continuing and he would <br />provide updates. <br />8. COUNCIL COMMENTS Hear announcements concerning matters appearing on the agenda; <br />items of community interest; and/or inquiries of staff regarding specific factual information or <br />existing policy from the Mayor, Councilpersons, and City staff, for which no formal action will <br />be discussed or taken. <br />Councilpersons asked whether the City could recoup costs if the gasoline event was due to negligence <br />and City Manager Alexander said that although there had been such instances in the past, it was too <br />