b. Award Bid #22009 - Flygt Pump Replacements to Hahn Equipment Company Inc. in the
<br />amount of $104,915.00, for replacement of submersible pumps at sewer lift stations. [Ray
<br />Mayo, Director of Public Works]
<br />c. Approve a proposal from Alfa Laval, Inc. as a sole -source contractor for part replacement
<br />of belt press unit #2, in connection with the Wastewater Treatment Plant belt filter press re-
<br />conditioning project, in the amount of $198,320.00 and with a project contingency of
<br />$1,680.00, for a total authorization of $200,000.00. [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works]
<br />d. Approve an Interlocal Agreement between Harris County and the City of La Porte, Texas, for
<br />Fixed Route Bus Service, for a twelve (12) month term. [Corby Alexander, City Manager]
<br />e. Approve a request for City of La Porte sponsorship of the La Porte Education Foundation
<br />annual golf tournament in the amount of $2,500.00, as the presenting sponsor for Fiscal
<br />Year 2022-2023. [Corby Alexander, City Manager]
<br />f. Approve issuing a pipeline permit to Seadrift Pipeline Corporation for the construction of a
<br />ten -inch (10') propane pipeline within the City of La Porte. [Teresa Evans, Director of
<br />Planning and Development]
<br />g. Adopt Resolution 2021 3 2022-08 to suspend the effective date proposed by CenterPoint
<br />Energy Resources Corp., Texas Coast Division, to increase rates under the Gas Reliability
<br />Infrastructure Program for 45 days, and authorize the City's participation in a coalition of
<br />cities known as the "Texas Coast Utilities Coalition" ("TCUC"). [Corby Alexander, City
<br />Manager]
<br />h. Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with Schaumburg
<br />and Polk, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $171,100.00, for preliminary engineering, design,
<br />and construction phase services in connection with the Lift Station 31 Rehabilitation
<br />Project. [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works]
<br />i. Award Bid #22001 -Water Plant 9 Ground Tank Replacement, to W.W. Payton Corporation,
<br />authorize the City Manager to execute a construction contract in the amount of $375,000.00,
<br />and approve a project contingency of $25,000.00, for a total authorization of400,000.00. [Ray
<br />Mayo, Director of Public Works]
<br />j. Approve agreement with Tri-Star Aviation, Inc. for lease of real property at the La Porte
<br />Municipal Airport for aeronautical fixed -base operation business, with twenty-five (25) year
<br />lease term plus one five (5) year renewal option. [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works]
<br />Staff pulled item 5h prior to the meeting; the item was not considered. Councilperson Williams
<br />moved to approve consent agenda items a-c, e, and i; Councilperson Engelken seconded the
<br />motion: the motion was adopted, 8-0.
<br />Councilperson Engelken moved to approve an Interlocal Agreement between Harris County and
<br />the City of La Porte, Texas, for Fixed Route Bus Service, for a twelve (12) month term; the motion
<br />was seconded by Councilperson Bentley. Councilperson Garza moved to amend by adding that
<br />the City would not pay for any period in which a mask mandate is required. The motion to amend
<br />was not seconded and was not considered. The main motion was adopted, 7-1, Councilperson
<br />Garza voting against.
<br />Councilperson Garza moved to postpone the item for four Council meetings; the motion was not
<br />seconded and was not considered. Councilperson Bentley moved to approve issuing a pipeline
<br />permit to Seadrift Pipeline Corporation for the construction of a ten -inch (10') propane pipeline
<br />within the City of La Porte; the motion was seconded by Councilperson Engelken; the motion was
<br />adopted. 7-1. Councilperson Garza voting against.
<br />(Councilperson Engelken filed a conflict of interest affidavit prior to the handling of the Consent
<br />Agenda items and did not participate in any discussion or vote on item 5g.) Councilperson Garza
<br />moved to adopt Resolution -0� 2022-08 to suspend the effective date proposed by CenterPoint
<br />Energy Resources Corp., Texas Coast Division, to increase rates under the Gas Reliability
<br />Infrastructure Program for 45 days, and authorize the City's participation in a coalition of cities
<br />known as the Texas Coast Utilities Coalition" ("TCUC"): the motion was seconded by
<br />Councilperson Bentley; the motion was adopted, 7-0.
<br />