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a. Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held on April 26, 2022. [Louis <br />R. Rigby, Mayor] ' <br />b. Adopt Ordinance 2022-3884 approving amendments to the City of La Porte Fiscal Year 2021- <br />22 Budget for purchase of replacement portable radios for the La Porte Fire Department. <br />[Shelley Wolny, Assistant Finance Director] <br />c. Approve the purchase of replacement Motorola portable radios and speaker microphones <br />from Houston Communications Inc. (HCI), through TIPS Purchasing Cooperative contract <br />No. 211101, in thelamount of $108,997.29, for use by the La Porte Fire Department. [Carl <br />Holley, Fire Chief] <br />d. Adopt Resolution 2022-11 authorizing the City Manager to sign the STEP "Operation Slow <br />Down" grant award and other documents for the TxDOT STEP "Operation Slow Down" Grant <br />Award. [Steve Deardorff, Chief of Police] <br />e. Authorize the purchase of two (2) Chevrolet Tahoe PPVs from Lake Country Chevrolet in the <br />amount of $73,558.50 and one (1) Dodge Charger PPV from Donalson Chrysler Dodge Jeep <br />Ram in the amount of $29,196.75, under contract 210907 through TIPS USA cooperative <br />purchasing program. [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works] <br />f. Approve the purchase of a replacement York HVAC Chiller from Kilgore Industries through <br />BuyBoard contract #631-20 for $152,210. [Tim Miller, Director of Parks & Recreation] <br />g. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with PGAL, Inc. in the amount of <br />$267,500.00 for design and project management services in connection with the Recreation <br />& Fitness Center Renovation Phase I Project. [Lindsay French, Recreation Superintendent] <br />Councilperson Bentley moved to approve the consent agenda items a and c-g: the motion was <br />seconded by Councilperson Engelken; the motion was adopted, 9-0. <br />Councilperson Bentley moved to adopt Ordinance 2022-3884 approving amendments to the City <br />of La Porte Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget for purchase of replacement portable radios for the La <br />Porte Fire Departments the motion was seconded by Councilperson Engelken; the motion was <br />adopted. 8-1. Councilperson Garza voting against. <br />7. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on potential upgrades and maintenance at <br />the Little Cedar Bayou Wave Pool Complex. [Tim Miller, Director of Parks & Recreation] <br />Councilperson McCaulley moved to approve proposed Rain Drop 41 layout using recirculation at <br />the Little Cedar Bayou Wave Pool Complex; the motion was seconded by Councilperson Bentley: <br />the motion was adopted. 9-0. <br />8. REPORTS <br />a. Receive report of the Fiscal Affairs Committee meeting. [Councilperson Engelken] <br />Councilperson Engelken said the Committee had reviewed purchasing card expenditures and <br />received the investment report. He said the next meeting would be held July 25. <br />b. Receive report of the Drainage and Flooding Committee meeting. [Mayor Pro Tem Martin, <br />Chair] <br />Mayor Pro Tern Martin reported the Committee received updates on drainage projects in the City. <br />He said the next meeting would be held June 13. <br />9. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />• Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, May 19 <br />• La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors meeting, May 23 <br />• City Council meeting, May 23 <br />City Manager Alexander said there were no reports. <br />