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d. Authorize the City Manager to issue 'Letters of Intent to Purchase' to secure build <br />slots for vehicles and equipment indicated on the Summary of Vehicle Replacement <br />for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, not to exceed budgeted amounts. [Ray Mayo, Director of <br />Public Works] <br />e. Authorize the City Manager to execute a revised interlocal agreement between the <br />City of La Porte and Gulf Coast Authority for domestic wastewater treatment, for a <br />ten (10) year term. [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works] <br />f. Adopt Ordinance 2022-3892 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Water <br />Service Agreement and a Sanitary Sewer Service Agreement between the City of La <br />Porte and Airgas Specialty Products for its development at 11426 Fairmont Parkway <br />in the Bayport Industrial District. [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works] <br />Councilperson Engelken moved to approve the consent agenda items: the motion was <br />seconded by Councilperson Bentley: the motion was adopted, 8-0. <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING AND ASSOCIATED ORDINANCES <br />a. The City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments regarding a <br />recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt Ordinance <br />2022-3890 amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Porte, Texas, Chapter <br />106 "Zoning" by granting Zone Change #22-92000009, a change from Low Density <br />Residential (R-1) to Large Lot Residential (LLD) for a tract of land located at 11007 <br />Houston Dr. and legally described as Lots 21-26, Block 2 and Reserve B, Block 12, <br />Battleground Estates, Harris County, Texas; followed by discussion and possible <br />action to consider adopting Ordinance 2022-3890 amending the Code of Ordinances <br />of the City of La Porte, Texas, Chapter 106 "Zoning" by granting Zone Change #22- <br />92000009, a change from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Large Lot Residential <br />(LLD) for a tract of land located at 11007 Houston Dr. and legally described as Lots <br />21-26, Block 2 and Reserve B, Block 12, Battleground Estates, Harris County, Texas. <br />[Teresa Evans, Planning & Development Director] <br />Mayor Rigby opened the public hearing at 6:13 p.m. Director Evans provided a <br />presentation; there were no public speakers for the hearing. Mayor Rigby closed the public <br />hearing at 6:17 p.m. Councilperson Williams moved to adopt Ordinance 2022-3890 <br />amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Porte, Texas, Chapter 106 "Zoning" <br />by granting Zone Change #22-92000009, a change from Low Density Residential (R-1) to <br />Larcie Lot Residential LLD for a tract of land located at 11007 Houston Dr. and le all <br />described as Lots 21-26, Block 2 and Reserve B, Block 12, Battleground Estates, Harris <br />County, Texas: Councilperson Bentley seconded the motion: the motion was adopted, 8- <br />0. <br />7. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding employee compensation <br />in the 2022-23 budget. [Matt Hartleib, HR Manager] <br />Councilperson McCaullev moved for Human Resources to proceed with investigating all <br />three of the options presented: the motion was seconded by Councilperson Williams. <br />Councilperson McCaullev moved to amend the motion by considering Option 3 but also <br />referring to Option 2 as a guideline to supplement lower paid employees: the amendment <br />was seconded by Coundiperson Bentley. Councilperson Bentley moved to amend the <br />motion by considering the policy for future wage scales. The Mayor ruled the amendment <br />not germane and it was withdrawn. The amendment was adopted. 8-0. The main motion, <br />as amended, was adopted, 8-0. <br />