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c. Approve Fiscal Year 2022-2023 vehicle and equipment replacement purchases from Texas <br />BuyBoard, TIPS and Sourcewell cooperative purchasing programs, totaling $1,342,772.76. <br />[Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works] <br />d. Authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City of La Porte and the La Porte- <br />Bayshore Chamber of Commerce for general promotional, solicitation, special programs <br />and tourist advertising of the City of La Porte, in the annual amount of $200,000.00, for a <br />term of three (3) years beginning on October 1, 2022, and expiring on September 30, 2026. <br />[Matt Daeumer, Assistant City Manager] <br />e. Approve an incentive agreement between the La Porte Development Corporation and R <br />Favorite Things, LLC, in connection with a project of the La Porte Development Corporation <br />for infrastructure and site improvements at 114 W. Main Street in La Porte, Texas, in an <br />amount not to exceed $390,600.00 [Mat Daeumer, Assistant City Manager] <br />f. Appoint Frank Nance to Alternate Position 1 on the La Porte Zoning Board of Adjustment. <br />[Councilperson Helton] <br />g. Appoint Jon Willis to Alternate Position 2 on the La Porte Zoning Board of Adjustment. <br />[Councilperson Martin] <br />Mayor Rigby announced that item d would be pulled and handled separately. Mayor Pro Tern <br />Engelken moved to approve the consent agenda items a through c, and a throughci the motion <br />was seconded by Councilperson Bentley: the motion was adopted. 8-0. <br />(Councilperson Martin had signed a conflict of interest affidavit and did not participate in the <br />deliberation or vote on item d.) Mayor Pro Tem Engelken moved to authorize the Mayor to execute <br />an agreement between the City of La Porte and the La Porte-Bayshore Chamber of Commerce for <br />generalpromotional, solicitation, special programs and tourist advertising of the City of La Porte, <br />in the annual amount of $200,000.00, for a term of three (3) years beginning on October 1, 2022, <br />and expiring on September 30, 2025: the motion was seconded by Councilpersons McCaulley and <br />Bentley: the motion was adopted, 7-0. <br />6. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a. Presentation, discussion, and possible direction on expansion of the public notice <br />requirements from 200 feet to 1000 feet in the City of La Porte Code of Ordinances, Chapter <br />106. [Councilpersons Helton, Williams, and Lunsford] <br />Mayor Rigby noted that approval of the item would send it to the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />and that it would then come again before the City Council. Mayor Pro Tern Engelken moved to <br />send the consideration of a change to Chapter 106 of the Code of Ordinances for an increase from <br />200 feet to 1000 feet to the Planning and Zoning Commission; the motion was seconded by <br />Councilperson Helton: the motion_ was adopted, 8-0. <br />7. REPORTS <br />a. Receive report of the New City Hall Ad Hoc Committee meeting. [Councilperson McCaulley] <br />Councilperson McCaulley announced the Committee met and reviewed proposals for a new city <br />hall. <br />b. Receive report of the Drainage and Flooding Committee meeting. [Councilperson Martin] <br />Councilperson Martin announced the Committee and received updates from the Harris County <br />Flood Control District and had set the next meeting for November 14, 2022. <br />8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />• La Porte Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, October 13 <br />• La Porte Development Corporation Board meeting, October 24 <br />• City Council meeting, October 24 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />October 10, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes <br />