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additional stock of 6000 rolls for $39,360.00, for a total amount of $282,080.00. [Ray Mayo, <br />Director of Public Works] <br />d. Approve the FY 2022 audit/asset forfeiture report and associated financial records provided <br />by the La Porte Police Department, as required by Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal <br />Procedure. [Steve Deardorff, Chief of Police] <br />e. Approval of $86,321.20 for expenses associated with the operation and administration of <br />the Senior Nutrition Program at the Norman Malone Senior Center for Fiscal year 2022 - <br />2023. [Tim Miller, Parks and Recreation Director] <br />Mayor Pro Tern Engelken moved to approve the consent agenda: the motion was seconded by <br />Councilperson Bentley: the motion was adopted. 9-0. <br />6. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to address merit -based adjustments for the <br />positions of City Manager, City Secretary, and Municipal Court Judge for the 2023 fiscal <br />year. [Louis R. Rigby, Mayor] <br />Councilperson Martin moved to suspend merit -based adjustments for the positions of City <br />Manager, City Secretary, and Municipal Court Judge for the 2023 fiscal year: the motion was <br />seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Engelken: the motion was adopted. 9-0. <br />b. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on recommendation from the Chapter 172 <br />Employee and Retiree Insurance and Benefits Board to authorize the City Manager to <br />execute an agreement for Stop Loss insurance coverage, as part of the City of La Porte <br />health insurance plan, for the 2023 plan year. [Matt Hartlieb, HR Manager] <br />Mayor Pro Tem Engelken moved to accept recommendation from the Chapter 172 Employee and <br />Retiree Insurance and Benefits Board to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement for <br />Stop Loss insurance coverage, as part of the City of La Porte health insurance plan. for the 2023 <br />plan year, provided by Unum/Stealth Partner Group: the motion was seconded by Councilperson <br />Bentley: the motion was adopted. 9-0. <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ASSOCIATED ORDINANCES <br />a. The City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the recommendation of <br />the Dangerous Buildings Inspections Board for condemnation of eight (8) <br />dangerous/substandard structures located at 742 S. Blackwell St.; 9306 Carlow Ln.; 3217 <br />Clarksville St.; 914 S. Broadway St.; 122 S. 161" St.; 3317 Bernard St.; and 2410 Sens Rd./0 <br />Sens Rd. [Curtis Tarver, Deputy Building Official] <br />Mayor Rigby opened the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. Curtis Tarver, Deputy Building Official, <br />provided a presentation. He said staff recommended that no action be taken on 122 S. 16t' until <br />the outcome of the probate process was known. The City Manager was asked to determine if taxes <br />were current on any of the property <br />Leo Longoria spoke on behalf of Charlie Aguilar, who is closing on 914 S. Broadway tomorrow and <br />intends to develop residential and commercial entities at the location. Mr. Longoria said he believed <br />documentation could be presented to the City within 30 days. Matt Daeumer, Assistant City <br />Manager, said he had met with Mr. Aguilar, who believed he could possibly complete the project in <br />about 120 days. <br />Charles Patrick Hale, Jr. said he had inherited 3217 Clarksville after the death of his father and <br />inquired about the voluntary consent process and asked for a 180-day postponement. <br />Mayor Rigby closed the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />November 14, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes <br />