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~xlirarT A 5I4-~~-3D~6 <br />To Deed from Isaac Hellsr, Gary Alper, Ronald Robezts, <br />Kenneth Volk, Joseph •shachat and Stevan Kaufman to <br />Two Zaro One -M- Texasr a Neur 3ersey Partnership, <br />Bated ~£Lf~t1/~~.G/ ~ , 29$6 <br />IIeiag a 9.435 sera tract of Land oue of chat certain 19,4'538 acra tract <br />of land which fa out of Lot 11, F, A, St:ae?srsi Subdivision is ;h: Lnaeh <br />yriasoa Survey, A-3, Harris Ccuaty, Texas. Thy I•q.#553 acre cram of 1-nd <br />is that certain tract canviyei by 5slteeed Lands, Ltd. f9 to Laa:c 13sllsr <br />ar Au=nst la. 1981 as racasdad vadar &s=ria Cauncy Clcrlr's File 5luahcr 13- <br />1t36DQa 78s 9.633 acre [tact it more partievlarly described by rests cad <br />bounds as follaars; <br />1Scbismic.= at a Railroad tie bolt stc far the Hartly+ast cancer of this <br />9.435 acic tract; slid paint is also the Nart}raest corner of the afaroentianed <br />14.#SSe acre tract. <br />Ibrace, ]f $B• i84 tl$" £; coincident -+ith the Nnrtb boundary 32ne of <br />the'19.#S58 acre tract; P:ssiag at I~D4D,53•f net the proposed ucstyeas ©ent <br />3iaa of that ecru in easoent show under Lis 1'erdens as recorded under <br />8arzis Caunt7 Cleric's File Code I92-16-1789; for a total distance of I,tJ73.50' <br />Feet to a 5J8 inch carriage bolt set for the Hnr[heast tamer of this 5.455 <br />sere [sacs. <br />Tlzmce, S 1° 41` 32" 1:; a distance of G3O,OD feet to a 518 inch Iran <br />red sex for the Southeast canner of this tract. <br />?bcaee, 5 $8° IS' C8K Y; coineidtnt vfth thz 5avth bnundary line of <br />the 19.4558 acre tract and the South boundary line of Lot 41 of the F1 A. <br />StaSShcn SDbdivisiaa; passing at 84.34 feat Lhn nest easesent line of the <br />ess a.ent zbc~+a under Lfs Yendens; for a ental distance a£ 711.16 feat to <br />a easscseta a:aaime~e fnuad for the Southeest earner of [hie tract. <br />2bzoce, II 62`•D9" 53" X; enincidens with the 2iortbcr3y right-of-vny <br />13ne of Stxt• Fiiglaray 235; a di:taacz of 177,72 feet to x coacrctc aanuaant <br />found far CorneX. <br />~cncc, totititiaui>Sg caintide~t with the Ilcrthcrlp,right-o£-vay liars <br />of State $ig}zcray 325; fallowing a naaLsagrnL curve to the right; said curve <br />having s radius of 34I.47 feet and a centzxl angle of 43'•5D' OD' ; and <br />axe distance of 2L9.fi8 feat to a SJe inch iron ro-d favnd far earnrr. <br />Tbe.ase, H 2D' 22' OL" ~; to incident•vith the Northerly rash[-ai-uay <br />Iiae of State Highva7 223; a distance nF 162,7q felt to LLt P4Ik? DF BEG1HTtING. <br /> <br />