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(c) City Compensation plan [Bill Bentley, Brandon Lunsford, Mandi Williams] <br />Councilperson Bentley moved consideration of the City's Compensation Plan: the <br />motion was seconded by Councilperson Lunsford: the motion was adopted, 6-0. Mr. <br />Hartleib provided a presentation, including the City's 2019 compensation philosophy <br />that: <br />- Our range midpoints should be near the market median for comparable positions. <br />- Employees who exceed expectations should be recognized and high performance <br />should be incentivized <br />- Employees should be able to improve their standard of living through sustained <br />employment with the City <br />(d) City safety activities [Louis Rigby, Mayor] <br />Councilperson Engelken moved consideration of City safety activities: the motion was <br />seconded by Councilperson Bentley: the motion was adopted, 6-0. Matt Hartleib <br />provided the presentation. (Councilperson McLarrin arrived during this discussion.) <br />(e) City's Emergency Services CADlRMS system [Matthew Daeumer, Assistant City <br />Manager] <br />Councilperson Bentley moved consideration of the City's Emergency Services <br />CAD/RMS system; the motion was seconded by Councilperson Engelken; the motion <br />was adopted, 7-0. Mr. Daeumer provided the presentation. Without objection, the Mayor <br />confirmed the Council was in favor of moving forward with the item. The Council <br />recessed from 9:49-10:01 a.m. (Councilperson Lunsford left the meeting b4of<y during <br />the recess.) <br />(f) Wrought iron fencing at the Bay Forest Golf Course [Corby Alexander, City <br />Manager] <br />Councilperson Engelken moved consideration of wrought iron fencing at the Bay Forest <br />Golf Course: the motion was seconded by Councilperson Bentley: the motion was <br />adopted, 6-0. Billy Stoker, Golf Course Manager, provided the presentation. Without <br />objection, the Mayor confirmed the Council supported performing the work all at once <br />and with a mix of fencing (as Mr. Stoker had recommended). <br />(g) Utility Rates comparisons [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Works] <br />Councilperson Bentley moved consideration of utility rates comparisons; the motion was <br />seconded by Councilperson Engelken: the motion was adopted, 6-0. Mr. Mayo provided <br />the presentation. <br />(h) Solid Waste rates [Ray Mayo, Director of Public Work] <br />Councilperson Engelken moved consideration of solid waste rates, the motion was <br />seconded by Councilperson Bentley; the motion was adopted, 6-0. Mr. Mayo provided <br />the presentation. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />April 9, 2022, Special Council Meeting Minutes <br />