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CONFERENCE-MULTIPURPOSE CENTER AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA <br />Thursday, October 17, 2024, 3:00 p.m. <br />Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the La Porte Conference/Multipurpose Center Ad Hoc <br />Committee to be held on October 17, 2024, at 3:00 p.m., In the City Hall Council Chamber, 604 West <br />Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All <br />agenda Hems are subject to action. <br />1. CALL TO ORDER <br />2. CITIZEN COMMENT <br />(Generally limited to five minutes per person; in accordance with state law, the time may be <br />reduced if there is a high number of speakers or other considerations.) <br />3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve the minutes of the September 25, <br />2024, meeting. <br />4. Presentation by the City's floodplain manager. <br />5. Presentation by Member Follls on conceptual drawings. <br />6. Committee Charge and Discussion <br />Purpose: To establish an ad hoc committee to investigate the feasibility, design, location, <br />and financial implications of building a new conference center/multipurpose center at 1106- <br />1198 Bayshore Drive, La Porte, Texas. The committee will evaluate various aspects of the <br />proposed project, including economic impact, community benefits, environmental <br />sustainability, and design aesthetics. <br />Objectives: <br />Conduct research on the potential impacts of the conference/multipurpose center. <br />Organize and participate in community engagement activities. <br />Review and evaluate design proposals, environmental assessments, and financial <br />plans. <br />Collaborate to produce a final report with recommendations for the City Council. <br />Evaluate the project based on the following criteria: <br />Economic Impact: Potential for job creation, revenue generation, and overall <br />economic growth. <br />Design Aesthetics: Architectural design, integration with the surrounding area, and <br />r <br />