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TJ 7= R1 ITIRM. III IIIIM w. T Me. I <br />Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Chapter 172 Employee Retiree Insurance and Benefits <br />Board to be held on June 25, 2013 at 4:00 PM, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 604 W. Fairmont <br />Pkwy, La Porte, Texas, regarding the items according to the agenda below: <br />151M1TITT 1111111, 1 1 111 1 <br />MKI <br />0 <br />Board member comments regarding matters appearing on agenda; recognition of community <br />members, city employees, and upcoming events; inquiry of staff regarding specific factual <br />information or existing policies <br />7. Adjournment <br />In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of La Porte City will provide for <br />reasonable accommodations for persons attending public meetings. To better serve attendees, <br />requests should be received 24 hours prior to the meeting. Please contact Patrice Fogarty, City <br />Secretary, at 281.470.5019. <br />I certify that a copy of the June 25, 2013, agenda of items to be considered by the Chapter 172 Employee <br />Retiree Insurance and Benefits Board was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on June 19, 2013. <br />ce 4 <br />Nicola Wells, Benefits Specialist <br />I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Chapter 172 Employee Retiree <br />Insurance and Benefits Board was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin board on the day of <br />12013. <br />Title: <br />