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IN, Ot"o Of Meet VIq 'IN��' A <br />M11 SerViCe COFnI'WS,'3i9JH <br />Notic(-'i,; hereby given a)f ,,,i meeting of the Civil Servi(.xe Gomrnis,,,ion to bc,, h(,dd ori <br />Febri.iary 13"', 20,13 at 2:30 in the Clouncil (".harn bers Conf(-.,ren(.-.e 1"Zoorn, in ('-'ity Hall, 60/1, <br />W Fairmont Parkway, Porte, "Texas, regarding acx.orcling, to the <br />below: <br />I. G�aH to Order <br />2. ('onsider aripproval of minutes Froni n,.July '16, 2012 meetirrg <br />3. Consider action to appoint the Chair nan and Vice-Chain-nan of Civil <br />service Commission <br />4,. Adnlinistrative Reports <br />6 1 . Board Cornnients .- Matters appearirig on the agenda; is ognitiorl of comn'lunity <br />membors, city employees, and LIPCOMing events; lnqLJil"y of staff regarding specific <br />fi]CtUal infOrMation or existing policy <br />(3. Adjournvnent <br />Ira compflanco with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of La Portp City will <br />provide foa, reasonable accommodations for persons attending public meatings. To better <br />serve attendees, requests should be received 24 hours prior to the mooting. Please <br />contact Patrice Fogarty, City Secretary, at 281. 70. '19 <br />CERTIFICATION <br />I certify that a copy of the February 13, 20,13 agenda of items to be considered by the Civil <br />Service Commission was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on Flebruary tea'' 2013 at Il-M <br />arn. <br />KathoriO Anderson, Human Rbsources Manager,— - <br />I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Civil Service <br />Commission was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin board on the ____ day o�f <br />2013. <br />EM <br />