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ARTICLE 300 — WTIZI lG MF.,THDDS <br />(C) Cables Through Spaces. Behind Panels Designed to <br />Allow Access. Cables or raceway -type wiring methods, in- <br />stalled behind panels designed to allow access, shall be <br />supported according to their applicable articles. <br />(D) Cables and Raceways Parallel to Framing Vlein- <br />bers and Furring Strips. In both exposed and concealed <br />locations, where a cable- or raceway -type wiring method is <br />installed parallel to framing members, such as joists, <br />rafters, or studs, or is installed parallel to furring strips, the <br />cable or raceway shall be installed and supported so that the <br />nearest outside surface of the cable or raceway is not less <br />than 32 mm (1 /a in.) from the nearest edge of the framing <br />member or furring strips where nails or screws are likely to <br />penetrate. Where this distance cannot be maintained, the <br />cable or raceway shall be protected from penetration by <br />nails or screws by a steel plate, sleeve, or equivalent at least <br />1.6 MM ( in.) thick, <br />Exception No, 1: Steel plates, sleeves, or the equivalent <br />shall not be required to protect rigid metal conduit, inter- <br />mediate metal conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, or elec- <br />trical metallic tubing. <br />Exception rVo, 2: For concealed work in finished build- <br />ings, or finished parcels for prefabricated buildings where <br />such supporting is impracticable, it shall be permissible to <br />fish the cables between access points. <br />Exception No. 3': A listed and marked steel plate less than <br />1.6 nun ( in.) thick that provides equal or better protec- <br />tion against mail or° screw penetration shall be permitted. <br />(1) Cables; Raceways, or Boxes Installed in or Under <br />Roof Decking. A cable, raceway, or box, installed in ex- <br />posed or concealed locations under metal- corrugated sheet <br />roof decking, shall be installed and supported so there is <br />not less than 38 mm (1' /z in.) Measured from the lowest <br />surface of the roof decking to, the top of the cable, raceway, <br />or box. A cable, raceway, or box- shall not be installed in <br />concealed locations in metal - con ugated, sheet `i decking– <br />type roof. <br />Informational Note: Roof decking material is often re- <br />paired or replaced after the initial raceway or cabling and <br />rooting installation and may be penetrated by the screws or <br />other mechanical devices designed to provide "hold down" <br />strength of the waterproof membrane or roof insulating <br />material. <br />Exception: Rigid metal conduit and intermediate metal <br />conduit .shall not be required to comply with 300.4(E). <br />(F) Cables and Raceways Installed in Shallow Grooves. <br />Cable- or raceway type wiring methods installed in a <br />groove, to be covered by wallboard, siding, paneling, car- <br />peting, or similar finish, shall be protected by 1,6 mni <br />( /t6 in.) thick steel plate, sleeve, or equivalent or by not <br />300.,5 <br />less than 32 -mni (I 1 /4-in.) free space for the full length of <br />the groove in which the cable or raceway is installed, <br />Exception No. 1: Steel plates, sleeves, or the equivalent <br />shall not be required to protect ri metal conduit, inter_ <br />mediate metal conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, or elec- <br />trical metallic tubing. <br />Exception aVo. 2: A listed and marked steel plate less than <br />1.6 non (alas in.) thick that provides equal or better protec- <br />tion against mail or screw penetration shall be permitted. <br />(G) Insulated Fittings. Where raceways contain 4 AWG <br />or larger insulated circuit conductors, and these conductors . <br />enter a cabinet, a box, an enclosure, or a raceway, the con- <br />ductors shall be protected by an identified fitting providing <br />a smoothly rounded insulating surface, unless the conduc- <br />tors are separated from the fitting or raceway by identified <br />insulating material that is securely fastened in place. <br />Exception: Where threaded )rubs or bosses that are an <br />integral part of a cabinet, box, enclosure, or raceivay pro - <br />vide a smoothly rounded or flared entry for conductors. <br />Conduit bushings constructed wholly of insulating ma- <br />terial shall not be used to secure a fitting or raceway. The <br />insulating fitting or insulating material shall have a tem- <br />perature rating not less than the insulation temperature rat- <br />ing of the installed conductors. <br />(H) Structural Joints. A listed expansion/deflection fitting <br />or other approved means shall be used where a raceway <br />crosses a structural joint intended for expansion, contrac- <br />tion or deflection, used in buildings, bridges, parking ga- <br />rages, or other structures <br />300.5 Underground Installations. <br />(A) Minimum Cover Requirements. Direct- buried cable <br />or conduit or other raceways shall be installed to meet the <br />minimum cover requirements of Table 300.5. <br />(B) Wet Locations. The interior of enclosures or raceways <br />installed underground shall be considered to be a wet location. <br />Insulated conductors and cables installed in these enclosures <br />or raceways in underground installations shall be listed for use <br />in wet locations and shall comply with 310.10(0). Any con- <br />nections or splices in an underground installation shall be ap- <br />proved for wet locations. <br />(C) Underground Cables Under Buildings. Underground <br />cable installed under a building shall be in a raceway. <br />Exception aVo. 1: Type All usable shall be permitted under- <br />a building without installation in a raceivay i0iew embed- <br />ded in concrete, ,fall, or other masonry in accorxdnracc With <br />332.10(6) or in underground nuns Where "suitably protected <br />against physical damage and corrosive conditions in accor- <br />dance with 3. 2.1 ®(11?): <br />2011 Edition NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 70-137 <br />