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230.70 Article 230 4 Services <br />All service equipment shall be listed: Individual meter <br />socket enclosures shall not be considered service equipment. <br />Service equipment is required to be listed (see definition of <br />listed in Article 100) and also is required to bear a marking <br />indicating its suitability for use as service equipment. The <br />marking required by this section is not a field marking. The <br />required marking is applied by the equipment manufacturer, <br />and the marking indicates the equipment meets provisions in <br />the applicable product standard (i,e., panelboard, switch- <br />board, enclosed switch, or other equipment product stan- <br />dard) that enable it to carry a marking indicating its <br />suitability as service equipment. "Suitable for Use as Ser- <br />vice, Equipment" is a common marking found on equipment <br />that can be used at the service location. "Suitable Only for <br />Use as Service Equipment" is a marking that indicates the <br />grounded conductor or neutral terminal bus is not able to be <br />electrically isolated from the metal equipment enclosure. <br />This feature precludes most feeder applications for this <br />equipment where the equipment grounding terminals and <br />the grounded conductor terminals are required to be electri- <br />cally isolated. A similar requirement is contained in 225.36 <br />for outside feeder and branch- circuit disconnecting means. <br />V1. Service Equipment — <br />Disconnecting <br />230.70 General <br />conductors to bypass fuel storage tanks or gas ureters and <br />the like, permitting the service disconnecting means to be <br />located in a readily accessible location. <br />However, if the authority judges the distance as being <br />excessive, the disconnecting means may be required to be <br />located on the outside of the building or near the building at <br />a readily accessible location that is not necessarily nearest <br />the point of entrance of the conductors. See also 230.6 and <br />Exhibit 230.15 for conductors considered to be outside a <br />building. <br />See 404.8(A) for mounting - height restrictions for <br />switches and for circuit breakers used as switches. <br />(1) Readily Accessible Location. The service disconnect- <br />ing means shall be installed at a readily accessible location <br />either outside of a building or structure or inside nearest the <br />point of entrance of the service conductors. <br />(2) Bathrooms. Service disconnecting means shall not be <br />installed in bathrooms. <br />(3) Remote Control. Where a remote control device(s) is <br />used to actuate the service disconnecting means, the service <br />disconnecting means shall be located in accordance with <br />230.70(A)(1). <br />(B) Marking. Each service disconnect shall be perma- <br />nently marked to identify it as a service disconnect. <br />Means shall be provided to disconnect all conductors in a <br />building or other structure from the service - entrance con- <br />ductors, <br />(A`) Location. The service disconnecting means shall <br />be installed in accordance with 230.70(A)(1), (A)(2), and <br />(A)(3). <br />No maximum distance between the point of entrance of ser- <br />vice conductors to a readily accessible location for the instal- <br />lation of a service disconnecting reams is specified by <br />230.71(A) The authority enforcing this Code or AH7 has the <br />responsibility for, and is charged with, making the decision on <br />how far inside the building the service - entrance conductors <br />are allowed 'to travel to the service disconnecting means. The <br />length of service - entrance conductors should be kept to a min- <br />imum inside buildings, because power utilities provide lim- <br />ited overcurrent protection. In the event of a fault, the service <br />conductors could ignite nearby combustible materials. <br />Some local jurisdictions have adopted ordinances that <br />allow service - entrance conductors to run within the building <br />up to a specified length to terminate at the disconnecting <br />means, The authority having jurisdiction may permit service <br />im <br />(C) Suitable for Use, Each service disconnecting means <br />shall be suitable for the prevailing conditions. Service equip- <br />ment installed in hazardous (classified) locations shall com- <br />ply with the requirements of Articles 500 through 517. <br />230.71 Nlaxiniurn Number of Disconnects <br />(A) General. The service disconnecting means for each <br />service permitted by 230.2, or for each set of service - <br />entrance conductors permitted by 230.40, Exception No. 1, <br />3, 4, or 5, shall consist of not more than six switches or sets <br />of circuit breakers, or a combination of not more than six <br />switches and sets of circuit breakers, mounted in a single <br />enclosure, in a group of separate enclosures, or in or on a <br />switchboard. There shall be not more than six sets of discon- <br />nects per service grouped in any one location. <br />For the purpose of this section, disconnecting means in- <br />stalled as part of listed equipment and used solely for the <br />following shall not be considered a service disconnecting <br />means <br />(1) Power monitoring equipment <br />(2) Surge - protective device(s) <br />(3) Control circuit of the ground -fault protection system <br />(4) Power- operable service disconnecting means <br />2011 National Electrical Code Handbook <br />