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BCAB Rules of Procedure <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />08/30/11 Draft of Proposed Changes <br />105. Rules of Order <br />Robert's Rules of Order, latest revision, shall be the Commission's <br />final authority on all questions of procedures and parliamentary law <br />not covered by these Rules of Procedure. In the event of a conflict <br />between these Rules and Robert's Rules of Order, these rules shall <br />prevail to the extent of such conflict only. <br />11. MEETINGS <br />201. Quorum <br />In accordance with Chapter 82, Sect. 82-10 through 82-15 of the <br />City's Code of Ordinances, a quorum shall consist of four (4) <br />members. No decision by the BCAB shall be deemed rendered <br />unless a majority of members are in attendance and voting, but by <br />• less than a minimum of four (4:) members concur. <br />!E'02. Lqgncla <br />An agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Secretary for each <br />meeting of the BCAB. The agenda shall include appeals and other <br />matters scheduled for consideration by the BCAB. <br />203. Meetings <br />In accordance with Chapter 82, Sect. 82-10 through 82-;15 of the <br />City's Code of Ordinances, meetings shall be held at the call of the <br />Chairperson and at such other times as at least four (4) members <br />of the BCAB may determine. Meetings shall comply with the <br />requirements of the Open Meetings Act and shall • posted by the <br />City Secretary's Office at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance <br />• the meeting. <br />