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BCAB Rules of Procedure <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />08/30/11 Draft of Proposed Changes <br />501. Meetings <br />All meetings of the SCAB shall be open to the public. <br />502. Order of Business <br />A. The Chairperson shall call the Board to order. <br />503. Questions <br />During the meeting, any member of the Board may call upon the <br />applicant, City Staff or any other person present at the meeting for <br />further questioning relevant to the case. <br />601. Disgualification <br />A. A member shall disqualify themself from voting whenever he/she <br />finds that he/she has a personal or monetary interest in the <br />property or will be directly affected by the decision of the Board. <br />B. A member may disqualify themself from voting whenever any applicant <br />or his/her agent, has sought to influence the vote of the member <br />outside of the open meeting. <br />C. A member who disqualifies themself or abstains from voting on any <br />case shall announce such disqualification or abstention for the public <br />record, prior to the presentation of the case, and shall not take part in <br />the deliberation or vote on the case. In the event a member does not <br />discover any circumstances requiring their disqualification or <br />abstention until the meeting is underway, such member shall announce <br />such disqualification or abstention as soon as it is discovered. <br />