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Building Codes Appeals Board <br />Minutes of August 30, 2011 <br />Members Present Tom Campbell, Ron Holt, Ken Schlather, Paul Larson, Mark Follis, J. P. <br />Jackson and Terry Bunch <br />Members Absent None <br />City Staff Present Traci Leach, Assistant City Manager, Mark Huber, Deputy Building <br />Official and Clark Askins, Assistant City Attorney <br />Others Present None <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Meeting called to order at 6:02 P.M. by Chairman Tom Campbell. <br />2. CONSIDER APPROVING MINUTES FROM THE JULY 27, 2011 MEETING <br />Motion to approve the July 27, 2011 minutes, as written, was made by Terry Bunch. <br />Second by Ken Schlather. Motion passed unanimously. <br />3. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />None. <br />4. REVIEW, DISCUSS AND CONSIDER A RECOMMENDATION TO CITY <br />COUNCIL TO ADOPT THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE WITH NO <br />CHANGE TO EXISTING LOCAL AMENDMENTS <br />Following some discussion, Mark Follis asked staff if local amendments Sect. 82 -340 <br />(Residential Capacity and Branch Circuits), Sect. 82 -344 (Meter Cabinets), Sect. 82 -345 <br />(Feeders) and Sect. 82 -348 (Franchise to Install Equipment in Streets) are still necessary. <br />Also, Mr. Follis commented that it is his understanding that the State mandate effective <br />September 01 requires cities to begin enforcing the 2011 NEC, regardless of the code <br />edition adopted by city ordinance. <br />Mark Huber agreed to research these items and provide information at the next meeting. <br />A motion to table this item was made by Paul Larson. Second by Mr. Bunch. Motion <br />passed unanimously. <br />5. REVIEW, DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE BOARD'S RULES <br />OF PROCEDURE <br />Clark Askins was directed by the Board to implement recommended changes which included <br />deleting the proposed language in Sect. 103 that restricted the chairperson from serving <br />consecutive terms. <br />