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Board of Adjustment Meeting <br />May 28, 2020 <br />Bayway HomesVariance <br /> <br /> <br />Ordinances. <br /> <br />Section 106192 of the Zo <br />from the literal interpretation of the code approved by the Board subject to the fact that <br />enforcement of the provisions of the code would cause an unnecessary hardship because of <br />circumstances unique to the subject property. The Board is authorized to grant a variance when <br />the Board finds that a number of criteria are met. The following table outlines those criteria and <br />sta <br /> <br /> <br />Criterion: Staff Finding: <br />a. That the granting of the variances will not Granting this variance would mirror the <br />be contrary to the public interest housing development to the west of the <br />proposed area (also constructed by the <br />applicant) and would not be contrary to public <br />interest. <br />b. That literal enforcement of this chapter As it relates to driveway criteria in <br />will result in unnecessary hardship because townhouse/quadraplex developments, <br />of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, meeting the code is difficult and likely <br />shape, topography or other extraordinary or impossible. According to Section 106-333 <br />exceptional physical situation unique to the referenced earlier, the minimum lot width is <br />specific piece of property in question. <br />"Unnecessary hardship" shall mean <br />physical hardship relating to the property lot for placement of the driveway (minimum <br />itself as distinguished from a hardship width allowed per code). Section 106-839 <br />relating to convenience, financial requires a minimum of 2 parking spaces per <br />considerations or caprice, and the hardship household while Section 106-835 requires <br />must not result from the applicant or ort, a <br />property owner's own actions. <br />setbacks and parking space size. <br /> <br />As it relates to density, side setback, and <br />driveway spacing requests, staff finds it <br />difficult to argue that there is an unnecessary <br />hardship preventing the applicant from <br />meeting the listed requirements. <br />c. That by granting the variance, the spirit of Staff feels that with the approval of the <br />this chapter will be observed. proposed variance, the proposed <br />development will meet the spirit and intent of <br />the R-2 zoning district and thus the Chapter <br />106. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />