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NOTICE OF MEETING OF LA PORTE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />Notice is hereby given of the meeting of the La Porte Redevelopment Authority to be held Wednesday, <br />July 23, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 604 West Fairmont Parkway, La <br />Porte, Texas, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items: <br />1. Call to order; <br />2. Consider approval of the minutes of Board of Directors meeting held on June 11, 2014; <br />3. Consider Development Agreement with Spencer Road Venture (Senior Associates, Inc.); <br />4. Consider TIRZ Increment Disbursement Report and authorize payment to developers; <br />5. Consider approval or other action with regard to authority invoices; <br />6. Receive updates from the city, developers and staff with regard to development within the Zone; <br />7. Board member comments; <br />a. Matters appearing on agenda; <br />b. Inquiry of staff regarding specific factual information or existing policy <br />8. Adjournment. <br />In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, the City of La Porte City will provide for reasonable <br />accommodations for persons attending public meetings. To better serve attendees, requests should be <br />received 24 hours prior to the meetings. Please contact Patrice Fogarty, City Secretary, at <br />281-470-5019 or TDD 281-471-5030. <br />A possible quorum of city council members may be present at this meeting and participate in discussions but <br />will take no action. <br />David W_ Hawes <br />Executive Director <br />