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09-13-11 Meeting of the La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors
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09-13-11 Meeting of the La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors
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9/9/2011 11:26:09 AM
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Board members agreed a list of questions requesting input and direction would be generated and <br />forwarded to staff by September 1, 2011, for the September 12 City Council Meeting. <br />Board member Woodard amended his motion to provide staff with a list of questions requesting <br />input and direction from City Council at the September 12 City Council Meeting. Board member <br />Pizzitola seconded. MOTION PASSED. <br />Ayes: President Warren, Vice President Pizzitola, Board members <br />Zemanek, Clausen, Engelken, Ojeda and Woodard <br />Nays: None <br />4. Discussion regarding job training for workforce development — S. Osborne <br />Board member Ojeda discussed campaign literature she observed from a neighboring city <br />advertising job training for workforce development. In addition she had a conversation with a <br />person at the other city in regards to quality of life issues and working with existing businesses on <br />creating jobs. Board member Ojeda suggested the possibility of this person speaking at a future <br />meeting to board members. <br />5. Consider approval or other action regarding proposed budget for the 2011 -2012 La Porte <br />Development Corporation Board and provide staff with direction - S. Osborne <br />Economic Development Coordinator Stacey Osborne presented the proposed budget for the <br />2011 -2012 La Porte Development Corporation Board. <br />Board member Woodard questioned which items were added to the proposed budget since the last <br />meeting. Economic Development Coordinator Stacey Osborne and City Manager Ron Bottoms <br />advised the Dog Park, Playground Renovations and the Golf Course Bathroom had been added <br />since the last meeting and funding amount had been changed regarding Bulkheads. <br />City Manager Ron Bottoms also provided clarification to board members on Hotel /Motel funds and <br />revenues. <br />Parks and Recreation Director Stephen Barr provided a detailed description of cost estimates for <br />Lomax Park Improvements. <br />Board member Woodard questioned if the old Lomax City Hall was included in the demolition. <br />Parks and Recreation Director Stephen Barr responded yes. <br />Board member Zemanek moved to approve the Lomax Rodeo Arena Improvements with a <br />maximum expenditure of $1,200,000 with the La Porte Development Corporation to fund 50 percent <br />and the Hotel /Motel Tax revenues to fund the remaining 50 percent. Board member Ojeda <br />seconded. MOTION PASSED. <br />Ayes: President Warren, Vice President Pizzitola, Board members <br />Zemanek, Clausen, Engelken, Ojeda and Woodard <br />Nays: None <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />August 23, 2011, La Porte Development Corporation Board Minutes <br />
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