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<br /> <br />RICHARD WARREN, PRESIDENTRICHARD WARREN, PRESIDENTMIKE CLAUSEN, BOARD MEMBERMIKE CLAUSEN, BOARD MEMBER <br />SHELLEY FULLER, BOARD MEMBERSHELLEY FULLER, BOARD MEMBERRANDY WOODARD, BOARD MEMBERRANDY WOODARD, BOARD MEMBER <br />VENESSA GUERRERO, BOARD MEMBERVENESSA GUERRERO, BOARD MEMBERNANCY OJEDA, VICENANCY OJEDA, VICE-PRESIDENT/b> <br />CHUCK ENGELKEN, BOARD MEMBERCHUCK ENGELKEN, BOARD MEMBER  <br />CITY OF LA PORTE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING AGENDACITY OF LA PORTE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING AGENDA <br />Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the City of La Porte Development Corporation to be held on Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the City of La Porte Development Corporation <br /> to be held on <br />September 26, 2016September 26, 2016, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, , at the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, <br /> Texas, <br />beginning at 5:00 PM to consider the following items of business:beginning at 5:00 PM to consider the following items of business: <br />1.CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER <br />2.CONSENT AGENDACONSENT AGENDA (All consent agenda items are considered routine by the La Porte (All consent agenda items are considered routine by the La Porte <br />Development Corporation Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate Development Corporation Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate <br /> <br />discussion of these items unless a Board member requests an item be removed and considered discussion of these items unless a Board member requests an item be removed and considered <br /> <br />separately)separately) <br />(a)Consider approval or other action regarding the minutes of the meeting held on August 29, Consider approval or other action regarding the minutes of the meeting held on August 29, <br /> <br />2016 2016 -- S. Harris S. Harris <br />(b)Financial Report Financial Report -- M. Dolby M. Dolby <br />(c)(c)Consider approval or other action authorizing Staff to execute payment in the amount of Consider approval or other action authorizing Staff to execute payment in the amount of <br /> Consider approval or other action authorizing Staff to execute payment in the amount of Consider approval or other action authorizing Staff to execute payment in the amount of <br />$17,045.50 to Lawrence W. Maher, Jr., Family Trust for completion of enhancement grant $17,045.50 to Lawrence W. Maher, Jr., Family Trust for completion of enhancement grant <br />project, in accordance with terms of incentive agreement project, in accordance with terms of incentive agreement -- T. Leach T. Leach <br />3.AUTHORIZATIONSAUTHORIZATIONS <br />(a)Consider approval or other action authorizing Board President Richard Warren to sign and Consider approval or other action authorizing Board President Richard Warren to sign and <br /> <br />execute a development agreement with Lettie Sanchez for an enhancement grant project in execute a development agreement with Lettie Sanchez for an enhancement grant project in <br />an amount not to exceed $7,559.73 for property located at 912 W. Main an amount not to exceed $7,559.73 for property located at 912 W. Main -- T. Leach T. Leach <br />(b)Consider approval or other action authorizing the Board President Richard Warren to sign Consider approval or other action authorizing the Board President Richard Warren to sign <br /> <br />and execute a development agreement with Margaret Lindsey Russell for an enhancement and execute a development agreement with Margaret Lindsey Russell for an enhancement <br />grant project in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 for property located at 1026 S. 8th grant project in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 for property located at 1026 S. 8th <br />Street La Porte, Texas Street La Porte, Texas -- T. Leach T. Leach <br />(c)Consider approval or other action regarding the appointment of a President and ViceConsider approval or other action regarding the appointment of a President and Vice- <br />President for the Board of the La Porte Development Corporation President for the Board of the La Porte Development Corporation -- T. Leach T. Leach <br />(d)Consider approval or other action designating projects of the La Porte Development Consider approval or other action designating projects of the La Porte Development <br />Corporation and authorize Staff to publish public hearing notice for December 12, 2016 Corporation and authorize Staff to publish public hearing notice for December 12, 2016 - T. <br />LeachLeach <br />4.SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETINGSET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING <br />5.Board member comments regarding matters appearing on agenda; Recognition of Board member comments regarding matters appearing on agenda; Recognition of <br />community members, city employees, and upcoming events; inquiry of staff regarding community members, city employees, and upcoming events; inquiry of staff regarding <br /> <br />