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RICHARD WARREN, PRESIDENT <br />NANCY OJEDA, VICE-PRESIDENT <br />CHUCK ENGELKEN, BOARD MEMBER <br />VENESSA GUERRERO, BOARD <br />MEMBER <br />DANNY EARP, BOARD MEMBER <br />JOHNNY MORALES, BOARD MEMBER <br />SHELLEY FULLER, BOARD MEMBER <br />MINUTES OF LA PORTE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD <br />MEETING OF MARCH 25, 2019 <br />The City of La Porte Development Corporation Board met on Monday, March 25, 2019, at the City Hall Council <br />Chambers, 604 West Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, at 5:00 p.m., with the following in attendance: <br />Board members present: Richard Warren, Nancy Ojeda, Chuck Engelken, Venessa Guerrero, Danny Earp, Johnny <br />Morales, Shelley Fuller <br />Board members absent: None <br />Council -appointed officers present: Corby Alexander, City Manager; Lee Woodward, City Secretary; Clark Askins, <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />1. CALL TO ORDER —.President Warren called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. <br />2. AUTHORIZATIONS <br />(a) Approve minutes of the La Porte Development Corporation Board meeting held on <br />February 25, 2019 (Lee Woodward, City Secretary) <br />Board member Engelken moved to approve the minutes; the motion was unanimously adopted, <br />7-0. <br />(b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve $100,000.00 to Gainstein Esquire <br />LLC in accordance with incentive agreement for the development of Pipeline Grill <br />restaurant at 10003 Spencer Highway. (Ryan Cramer, Economic Development Coordinator) <br />Board member Engelken moved to approve $100,000.00 to Gainstein Esquire LLC in accordance <br />with incentive agreement for the development of Pipeline Grill restaurant at 10003 Spencer <br />Highway: the motion was adopted unanimously, 7-0. <br />(c) Presentation, discussion, and possible action to grant Texas Snowbirds Daiquiris and Grill <br />the sum of $12,380.45 for a fagade enhancement grant for building at 1602 West Main <br />Street, to be remitted upon completion of the project. [Ryan Cramer, Economic <br />Development Coordinator] <br />Board member Ojeda moved to grant Texas Snowbirds Daiquiris and Grill the sum of $12,380.55 <br />(recommended amount on agenda item request) for a facade enhancement grant for the building <br />at 1602 West Main Street, to be remitted upon completion of the project: following discussion, the <br />motion was withdrawn without objection. <br />Board member Engelken moved to deny approving a grant to Texas Snowbirds Daiquiris and Grill <br />for the sum of $12,380.55 (recommended amount on agenda item request) for a facade <br />enhancement grant for the building at 1602 West Main Street, to be remitted upon completion of <br />the project; the motion was unanimously adopted, 7-0. <br />Pagel of 2 <br />March 25, 2019, La Porte Development Corporation Board Minutes <br />