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JAY MARTIN, CHAIRMANCHUCK ENGELKEN <br />MAYOR PRO TEMCOUNCILPERSON <br />MANDI WILLIAMSBILL BENTLEY, ALTERNATE <br />COUNCILPERSONCOUNCILPERSON <br />MINUTES OFTHEDRAINAGE AND FLOODING COMMITTEEMEETING <br />JANUARY10, 2022 <br />The Drainage and Flooding Committeeof the City of La Portemet on Monday,January 10, <br />2022, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 West Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, at <br />5:00p.m. to consider the followingitems of business: <br />Committee Members present:Jay Martin, Chuck Engelken, Mandi Williams <br />Committee Members attending remotely: Bill Bentley (alternate) <br />Committee Members absent: None <br />Council-appointed officers present: Corby Alexander,City Manager;Lee Woodward, City <br />Secretary; Clark T. Askins, Assistant City Attorney <br />CALL TO ORDERChairman Martincalled the meeting to order at5:00p.m. <br />2. CITIZENCOMMENT (Generally limited to five minutes per person, in accordance with state <br />law, the time may be reduced if there is a high number of speakers or other considerations.) <br />There were no citizen comments. <br />3. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a.Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve the minutes of the <br />November 8, 2021, meeting. \[Councilperson Martin, Chairman\] <br />Member Engelkenmoved to approve the minutes;the motion was seconded by Member <br />Williams; the motionwas adopted, 3-0. <br />b.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the status of property <br />located at the intersection of State Hwy. 146 and McCabe Road and owned by Dutko <br />Family Partnership, Ltd. \[Lorenzo Wingate, Assistant Director of Public Works\] <br />Mr. Wingate introducedKeith Morgan of Berg-Oliver Associates, Inc., who was attending <br />remotely.He confirmed the <br />(AJD) letter allowed for development of the Dutko property, with no USACE requirement <br />for mitigating impacted wetlands. Mr. Wingate confirmed that the drainage plans would <br />require approval from both the City and Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD). <br />Chair Martin asked that the drainage plan come back before the Committee. Mr. Wingate <br />noted the property is currently partially zone as Planned Unit Development (PUD) and <br />conditions related to wetlands mitigation/preservation could be placed within the terms of <br />the SCUP required for development in a PUD toaddress concerns of impacting existing <br />wetlands. Mr. Alexander also noted that the developer is considering being annexed into <br />c.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding status of 100 acre-foot <br />detention pond project near the Pasadena Convention Center and Brookglen <br />Subdivision, in connection with amended interlocal agreement between the City of <br />January 10, 2022-Drainage and Flooding Committee Minutes <br /> <br />