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<br />LOUIS R. RIGBYDARYL LEONARD <br />MayorCouncilmember District 3Councilmember District 3 <br />JOHN ZEMANEKTOMMY MOSER <br />Councilmember At Large ACouncilmember At Large ACouncilmember District 4Councilmember District 4 <br />DOTTIE KAMINSKIDOTTIE KAMINSKIJAY MARTIN <br />Mayor Pro-TemCouncilmember District 5Councilmember District 5 <br />Councilmember At Large BCouncilmember At Large B <br />MIKE CLAUSEN <br />Councilmember District 6Councilmember District 6 <br />DANNY EARP <br />Councilmember District 1Councilmember District 1 <br />CHUCK ENGELKENCHUCK ENGELKEN <br />Councilmember District 2Councilmember District 2 <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDACITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA <br />Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the La Porte City Council to be held January 26, 2015, Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the La Porte City Council to be held <br /> January 26, 2015, <br />beginning at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, beginning at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La <br /> Porte, Texas, <br />for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action.for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject <br /> to action. <br />1.CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER <br />––The invocation will be given by Brian Christen, La Porte Community Church.The invocation will be given by Brian Christen, La Porte Community Church. <br />2.INVOCATIONINVOCATION <br />  <br />––The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember Tommy Moser.The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember Tommy Moser. <br />3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />  <br />4.PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, and RECOGNITIONSPRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, and RECOGNITIONS <br />Recognition Recognition -- Retirement of Monway (Monie) Ison (Bay Forest Golf Course) Retirement of Monway (Monie) Ison (Bay Forest Golf Course) -- Mayor Rigby Mayor Rigby <br />(a) <br /> (Limited to five minutes per person.) (Limited to five minutes per person.) <br />5.PUBLIC COMMENTSPUBLIC COMMENTS <br />6.CONSENT AGENDACONSENT AGENDA <br />(All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted by (All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted by <br />one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember requests an item be one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember <br /> requests an item be <br />removed and considered separately.)removed and considered separately.) <br />Consider approval or other action of the minutes of the Council meeting held Consider approval or other action of the minutes of the Council meeting held <br />(a) <br />on January 12, 2015 on January 12, 2015 -- P. Fogarty P. Fogarty <br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance ordering the May 9, 2015, general Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance ordering the May 9, 2015, general <br /> <br />(b) <br />election in the City of La Porte election in the City of La Porte -- P. Fogarty P. Fogarty <br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Interlocal Joint Election Agreement between Consider approval or other action regarding an Interlocal Joint Election Agreement between <br /> <br />(c) <br />the City of La Porte, La Porte ISD and San Jacinto College the City of La Porte, La Porte ISD and San Jacinto College -- P. Fogarty P. Fogarty <br />Consider approval or other action regarding expenditure by the La Porte Development Consider approval or other action regarding expenditure by the La Porte Development <br />(d) <br />Corporation for an Enhancement Grant not to exceed $25,000 for Lafitte Cajun Station at the Corporation for an Enhancement Grant not to exceed $25,000 for Lafitte Cajun Station at the <br /> <br />completion of the project completion of the project -- S. Livingston S. Livingston <br />Consider approval or other action authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to Consider approval or other action authorizing the City Manager to execute an Amendment to <br />(e) <br />the Municipal Maintenance Agreement with Texas Department of Transportation for the the Municipal Maintenance Agreement with Texas Department of Transportation for the <br />maintenance of the rightmaintenance of the right--ofof--way along State Highway 146 way along State Highway 146 -- T. Leach T. Leach <br />Consider approval or other action authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Harris Consider approval or other action authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Harris <br /> <br />(f) <br />County Transit Authority for the provision of local circulator bus service County Transit Authority for the provision of local circulator bus service -- T. Leach T. Leach <br />Consider approval or other action regarding a Resolution opposing the designation of State Consider approval or other action regarding a Resolution opposing the designation of State <br /> <br />(g) <br />Highway 146 as a heavy haul corridor Highway 146 as a heavy haul corridor -- T. Leach T. Leach <br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing <br /> Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing <br /> <br />(h)(h) <br />the southernmost 30' of the Sylvan Ave., rightthe southernmost 30' of the Sylvan Ave., right--ofof--way between Willow Avenue and Park Drive way between Willow Avenue and Park Drive <br /> - <br />T. TietjensT. Tietjens <br /> <br />