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WHEREAS, the entire community can inspire, equip and mobilize people to take action that changes the world; and <br />WHEREAS, volunteers can connect with local community service opportunities through hundreds of community <br />service organizations; and <br />WHEREAS, individuals and communities are at the center of social change, discovering their power to make a difference; and <br />WHEREAS, the giving of oneself in service to another empowers the giver and the recipient; and <br />WHEREAS, during this week all over the nation volunteers will be recognized for their commitment to service; and <br />WHEREAS, our La Porte Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association provided 3,917 hours of volunteer service to the City of La <br />Porte last year, making possible countless meaningful community initiatives; and <br />WHEREAS, these volunteers are recognized as a great treasure to our community and an essential part of our future as a <br />caring and productive city; and <br />Now therefore, I, Louis Rigby, Mayor of the City of La Porte, along with members of the La Porte City Council, do hereby proclaim <br />April 12 through April 18, 2015 as <br /> <br />VOLUNTEER WEEK <br />In La Porte, Texas and urge my fellow citizens to volunteer in their community. By volunteering and recognizing those who serve, <br />we can replace disconnection with understanding and compassion. <br />In Witness Whereof: I have hereto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City to be affixed hereto, this the 13day of April <br />tth <br />2015. <br />CITY OF LA PORTE <br /> <br />______________________________ <br />Louis Rigby, Mayor <br /> <br />