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<br />LOUIS R. RIGBYDARYL LEONARD <br />MayorCouncilmember District 3Councilmember District 3 <br />JOHN ZEMANEKTOMMY MOSER <br />Councilmember At Large ACouncilmember At Large ACouncilmember District 4Councilmember District 4 <br />DOTTIE KAMINSKIDOTTIE KAMINSKIJAY MARTIN <br />Mayor Pro-TemCouncilmember District 5Councilmember District 5 <br />Councilmember At Large BCouncilmember At Large B <br />MIKE CLAUSEN <br />Councilmember District 6Councilmember District 6 <br />DANNY EARP <br />Councilmember District 1Councilmember District 1 <br />CHUCK ENGELKENCHUCK ENGELKEN <br />Councilmember District 2Councilmember District 2 <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDACITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA <br />Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the La Porte City Council to be held June 8, 2015, Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the La Porte City Council to be held <br /> June 8, 2015, <br />beginning at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, beginning at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La <br /> Porte, Texas, <br />for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action.for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject <br /> to action. <br />1.CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER <br />––The invocation will be given by Michael Thannisch, Congregation Benim Avraham.The invocation will be given by Michael Thannisch, Congregation Benim Avraham. <br />2.INVOCATIONINVOCATION <br />  <br />––The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember Dottie The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember Dottie <br />3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />Kaminski.Kaminski. <br />  <br />4.PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, and RECOGNITIONSPRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, and RECOGNITIONS <br />Recognition Recognition -- Retirement of Wanda Richards (City of La Porte Police Department) Retirement of Wanda Richards (City of La Porte Police Department) - Mayor <br />(a) <br />RigbyRigby <br /> (Limited to five minutes per person.) (Limited to five minutes per person.) <br />5.PUBLIC COMMENTSPUBLIC COMMENTS <br />6.CONSENT AGENDACONSENT AGENDA <br />(All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted by (All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted by <br />one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember requests an item be one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember <br /> requests an item be <br />removed and considered separately.)removed and considered separately.) <br />Consider approval or other action regarding the minutes of the City Council meeting held on Consider approval or other action regarding the minutes of the City Council meeting held on <br /> <br />(a) <br />May 11, 2015 May 11, 2015 -- P. Fogarty P. Fogarty <br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance amending the City of La Porte Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance amending the City of La Porte <br />(b) <br />Fiscal Year 2014Fiscal Year 2014--2015 Budget 2015 Budget -- M. Dolby M. Dolby <br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing a Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing <br /> a <br />(c) <br />portion of the alley in Block 182, La Porte, retaining a 16portion of the alley in Block 182, La Porte, retaining a 16--foot wide Public Utility Easement foot wide Public Utility Easement <br /> <br />within the area to be closed and authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed to the within the area to be closed and authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed to the <br />adjacent owner for the subject rightadjacent owner for the subject right--ofof--way (215 E. Main) way (215 E. Main) -- T. Tietjens T. Tietjens <br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing <br /> <br />(d) <br />the alley in Block 866, La Porte, and authorize the City Manager to execute a deed to the the alley in Block 866, La Porte, and authorize the City Manager to execute a deed to the <br />adjacent owner for the subject rightadjacent owner for the subject right--ofof--way (900 block of S. 14th Street) way (900 block of S. 14th Street) -- T. Tietjens T. Tietjens <br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning and closing a Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning and closing <br /> a <br />(e) <br />portion of the East "E" Street, Texas Avenue, and Dakota Avenue Rightsportion of the East "E" Street, Texas Avenue, and Dakota Avenue Rights--OfOf--Way, as well as Way, as well as <br />the entire alleys in Blocks 243 and 244, La Porte; retaining a 25 foot wide Storm Sewer the entire alleys in Blocks 243 and 244, La Porte; retaining a 25 foot wide Storm Sewer <br />Easement within the area to be closed and authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed to Easement within the area to be closed and authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed to <br /> <br />the adjacent owner the adjacent owner -- T. Tietjens T. Tietjens <br />Consider approval or other action authorizing the City Manager and the La Porte Police Consider approval or other action authorizing the City Manager and the La Porte Police Consider <br /> approval or other action authorizing the City Manager and the La Porte Police Consider approval or other action authorizing the City Manager and the La Porte Police <br />(f)(f) <br />Department to submit for the Crime Victim's Liaison Grant for the 2016Department to submit for the Crime Victim's Liaison Grant for the 2016--2017 Fiscal Year in 2017 Fiscal Year in <br /> <br />order to continue partial funding for the Crime Victim's Liaison position order to continue partial funding for the Crime Victim's Liaison position -- K. Adcox K. Adcox <br /> <br />