<br />MayorCouncilmember District 3Councilmember District 3
<br />Councilmember At Large ACouncilmember At Large ACouncilmember District 4Councilmember District 4
<br />Councilmember At Large BCouncilmember At Large BMayor Pro-Tem
<br />Councilmember District 5Councilmember District 5
<br />Councilmember District 1Councilmember District 1
<br />Councilmember District 6Councilmember District 6
<br />Councilmember District 2Councilmember District 2
<br />Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the La Porte City Council to be held June 22, 2015, Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the La Porte City Council to be held
<br /> June 22, 2015,
<br />beginning at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, beginning at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La
<br /> Porte, Texas,
<br />for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action.for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject
<br /> to action.
<br />The invocation will be given by Michael Abportus, Congregation Benim Avraham.The invocation will be given by Michael Abportus, Congregation Benim Avraham.
<br />
<br /> The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember John The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember John
<br />Zemanek.Zemanek.
<br />
<br /> (Limited to five minutes per person.) (Limited to five minutes per person.)
<br />(All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted by (All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted by
<br />one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember requests an item be one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember
<br /> requests an item be
<br />removed and considered separately.)removed and considered separately.)removed and considered separately.)removed and considered separately.)
<br />Consider approval or other action regarding the minutes of the City Council meeting held on Consider approval or other action regarding the minutes of the City Council meeting held on
<br />
<br />(a)
<br />June 8, 2015 June 8, 2015 -- P. Fogarty P. Fogarty
<br />Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing a Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and closing
<br /> a
<br />(b)
<br />portion of the W. D Street Rightportion of the W. D Street Right--ofof--Way, the W. E Street RightWay, the W. E Street Right--ofof--Way, the S. 13th Street Way, the S. 13th Street
<br />RightRight--ofof--Way, the S. 14th Street RightWay, the S. 14th Street Right--ofof--Way, S. 15th Street RightWay, S. 15th Street Right--ofof--Way, and the entire Way, and the entire
<br />
<br />alley in Blocks 794,826, and 827, La Porte; retaining a 20alley in Blocks 794,826, and 827, La Porte; retaining a 20--foot wide drainage easement within foot wide drainage easement within
<br />
<br />the W. E Street Rightthe W. E Street Right--ofof--Way; and a 26Way; and a 26--foot drainage easement within the W. F Street Rightfoot drainage easement within the W. F Street Right-
<br />
<br />ofof--Way; accepting a 5,000 square foot portion of the previously abandoned W. F Street RightWay; accepting a 5,000 square foot portion of the previously abandoned W. F Street Right-
<br />
<br />ofof--Way from the applicant for public rightWay from the applicant for public right--ofof--way purposes; and authorizing the City Manager way purposes; and authorizing the City Manager
<br />
<br />to execute a deed to the adjacent owners for the subject closings to execute a deed to the adjacent owners for the subject closings -- T. Tietjens T. Tietjens
<br />Consider approval or other action regarding a contract with Trikings Construction for the Consider approval or other action regarding a contract with Trikings Construction for the
<br />(c)
<br />construction of a concrete parking lot at 114 S. 3rd Street, in the amount of $69,170.92, plus construction of a concrete parking lot at 114 S. 3rd Street, in the amount of $69,170.92,
<br /> plus
<br />a construction contingency of $3,458.55 for a combined total of $72,629.47 a construction contingency of $3,458.55 for a combined total of $72,629.47 -- B. Eng B. Eng
<br />Consider approval or other action awarding Bid No. 15014 (accepting Bid Items 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 Consider approval or other action awarding Bid No. 15014 (accepting Bid Items 1, 2, 6,
<br /> 7, 8, 9
<br />(d)
<br />and rejecting Bid Items 3, 4, and 5) to McDonalds Municipal and Industrial for Replacement of and rejecting Bid Items 3, 4, and 5) to McDonalds Municipal and Industrial for Replacement
<br /> of
<br />Water Wells in the amount of $165,469.00 and authorizing an additional $16,000.00 allocation Water Wells in the amount of $165,469.00 and authorizing an additional $16,000.00 allocation
<br />
<br />to be utilized as a project contingency for a total project authorization of $181,469.00 to be utilized as a project contingency for a total project authorization of $181,469.00 - D.
<br /> Mick
<br />Discussion or other action regarding Open Riding Rules and Rentals at Lomax Rodeo Arena Discussion or other action regarding Open Riding Rules and Rentals at Lomax Rodeo Arena -
<br />(a)
<br />R. EptingR. Epting
<br />
<br />