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Council Agenda Item Council Agenda Item <br />June 22, 2015 June 22, 2015 <br />1.CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER <br />––The invocation will be given by Michael Abportus, Congregation Benim Avraham.The invocation will be given by Michael Abportus, Congregation Benim Avraham. <br />2.INVOCATIONINVOCATION <br />  <br />––  The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember John The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Councilmember John <br />3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />Zemanek.Zemanek. <br />  <br /> (Limited to five minutes per person.) (Limited to five minutes per person.) <br />4.PUBLIC COMMENTSPUBLIC COMMENTS <br />****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** <br /> <br />