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0034230323 MILLER ADVERTISING page 3 of 3 Beaumont <br />THE SOUTHEAST TEMS HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION <br />NOTICE Of PO0110 HEARING <br />In accordance rdlh Seclian 147iD of the Internal Revenue Code of 1983, as amended r( 'Cod8l <br />and SRCban 394.9025 of the Texas HoUShIg Rnmca Corpora Bans Act, Chapter 394, Taxe% local <br />Government Code, as amended, notica !e hereby given that The SouNaost Texas Housing Flaws <br />Corporation (the Mwponalliml will hold a pobllc hearing toiephanlcally at ItOO a.m. CentralBmean <br />Wednesday October 12, 2022. All persons Inton Baled may marft and paRcipale in 1w hearing by <br />caltng (BOOJ 504-449$ (atoll -Free telephone nunbeO and enledng 4B44663, followed by a poundkey <br />(NJprompBy at 11:00 am. Cetaal time "Wednesday. October 12, 2022.The Carporatia0"s dastgoalad <br />hearing officer wlicunducl the hearing an behalf of the Taxes Coentles of Amin, grazorfa, Monotone, <br />Galveston, Liberty, Matagorda, Walaer Ylaller and Wharton and the Texas Chloe of Baytown, Door Pads, <br />Olcknson. La Marquo. La Porte, Loague City, Peasdani� Simla Fe,Shureacree, Texas City sad Tomball <br />[the '5punsnzfng PU#t(cN SuA&vlslarrs'J, <br />The ptoposa of the hoaring la la provide wwdonis of the Sponsoring PdA al Subdivisions an <br />to be Issued In am or <br />0.M.The Bands will <br />rstlp or an alMlaie th <br />julpping of a MUM& <br />ofSoufheastTerasMunilamilyRosources,lnc.,anaf ialaaflhaCorporalloo,willormUWandonwhich <br />lie Boveiopment will bo located and Ieasa such land to Has Borrower, Re1h9r, U Is ardlclpalod IAst the <br />general partner (d the Borrower will he wholy-owned by Southeast Texas Multifamily Resources, Inc. <br />The Bonds will be limited obligations al Thu Corporation, payable suisy from the revenues, <br />receipts and resources of d)o forperallon pledged to that peylosoL The Bonds will aft constitulo an <br />Indabtedneso or obligation ol any of tiro Sponsorial PoIIUcW SubdWons for arty cthe(aky, county or <br />other municipal or paikkal dorperallon or suWlvlzan of the SIaIe of Texas) or of the Slate of Texas, <br />or a loan of ciedll of anyof them, wlmfn Bm meaning of artirroneUb Venal or slabAory provision. <br />All loteaulad persons are IrMted to attend the hoaMU and pal written or oral Comments on the <br />proposed Issuance of the Bonds. QuWoos ar WHHan communte pdorto thada€e of the hsadrg may <br />be dhedad IuThe SoutheastTaxas Housing Finance Corporation, 11111 SauthSam Rausion Parkway <br />Fast, Houston, Texas 770B9,AUonton: Ron WHilams at 1291 J 484-4663, ext. 108. <br />