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CHUCK HARRINGTON <br />Chair <br />DAVID BRADY <br />Vice Chair <br />NOLAN ALLEN <br />TIM COWART <br />PAUL FEAZELLE <br />MARK FOLLIS <br />FANCY LOTZE <br />NANCY OJEDA <br />STAN SHERWOOD <br />CITY OF LA PORTE CITIZENS' CHARTER REVIEW ADVISORY COMMISSION <br />MEETING AGENDA <br />Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Citizens' Charter Review Advisory Commission of the City of <br />La Porte to be held on Wednesday, November 7, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Conference <br />Room, 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas, for the purpose of considering the following numbered <br />items: <br />1. Call to Order and Roll Call. <br />2. Approval of minutes of Commission meeting on October 30, 2012. <br />3. Discussion/action regarding review of the City of La Porte Charter and proposed amendments. <br />4. Discussion/action regarding setting next meeting date. <br />5. Commission and staff comments. <br />6. Adjourn <br />In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of La Porte will provide for reasonable accommodations <br />for persons attending public meetings. To better serve attendees, requests should be received 24 hours prior to the <br />meeting. Please contact Patrice Fogarty, City Secretary, at 281.470.6019. <br />CERTIFICATION <br />I certify that a copy of the November 7, 2012, agenda of items to be considered by the Citizens' Charter Review <br />Advisory Commission was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on November 1, 2012. <br />Patrice Fogarty, (My Sel6retary <br />I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered�the Cif s' Charter Review Advisory <br />C m fission was removed b me from the CityHall bulletin board a the dayof 2012. <br />Lp Is, I <br />¢� Title: <br />�05�eG'� - fl/�• <br />