<br />I.S. Roberts Tre Tax Co~ttee presentedi a report 8n the matter of taxes due on the
<br />~s~~;'~t. t~~ ees Ingham S. Roberts,Estate,property, recommending an adjustment of the value
<br />of the property~to conform to value of other property adjacent to it,this
<br />recommendation being based on a report of the Tax Collector,together with
<br />a notarized statement from the Roberts state as to the amount of property
<br />claimed, and that all taxes due,be adjusted on this basis.
<br />FFotion by Boyle, second by Agee, that the recornnei~dation of the Tai Committee
<br />or. the Ingham S. Roberts,Bstate property be accepted and tnat settlement be
<br />made on that basis. Carried.
<br />ti",'F'A Pecr~;a- Tno.S. Kiibler, speaking for the Potar- Club, pr©sented the proposition
<br />'!-is:ne.l proe~ that the City sponsor the +v.P.A. Recreational Project for one year,sinee
<br /> i r:iust be sponsored by some governmental or school body if La Pori;e is
<br /> to have such a project continued. ?JIr Kiibler explained that the Rotary
<br /> Club a.nd the Community Church would assume the small cost involved.
<br /> After some discussion, .a coati on. eras offered by Boyle, second by Roark,
<br /> that andor the proposition that the Rotary ~:nub and Community Church
<br /> would assume the expense involved, the City would sign the contract spon-
<br /> soring the Vi. F.A. Recreational Rroject I1nit. Carried.
<br />Shell Aldersan Bo, le presented a pro~~osition from ~'l.A. Arthur that ho would sell
<br /> the City shell at X1,00 per yard if the City would buy as much as 20Q yards
<br /> and pay cash for it, the City to get the shell at +he hopper as needed.
<br /> After soma discussion, a motion was offered by Ald. Ruff, second by Benson,
<br /> that the Street e- Alley Comr:~ittee investigate prices on shell and report
<br /> back at the next :m.eetin.g of the Gou~~cil. Carried.
<br />I~'ullers Action by Benson, second by Boyle, ~rsat the City contract to have jQ yards
<br />~~~;,:-i;~-; of fullers earth hauled from Goose Creek, "'.'+^l. H~:nt and ~.G. Gillette to
<br /> haul it at "'n.00 per yard, raining to _be split equally bet~rrcor_ -~-,~, a ..•~-, ;:.~.--..
<br /> Carried.
<br />:e~.~i itor~ "--ct~.on by Benson, secorc? b;; ~?a~le, that r~..' . ~amil~ton be allowed to take
<br />vacation. his vaLat:.or of ter c'at's, ~;ot ir~~:.ink; as, of Thvr. sc'ry,Gc~! . ~
<br />]..~~Q.
<br /> ,
<br /> Carried.
<br />,,, ?~usiriFSS being; curcltded, or. motion. by Iiuff,second by Benson, the Council
<br /> ~"'a5 adjourned•
<br />/~ 1 l r
<br />Secretary, City of ~~~~'or+e,,... exas T+;myor, ..1~~* c~`"~,~i~or`~;
<br />Y~
<br />s
<br />