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2 • <br />Bids The bids on 2" galvanized steel pipe having Seen opened they were tabu- <br />2" pipe fated as follows= <br />TJunlay-Ars~and ~; Co. X21.28 per Ct,fob La. Porte, N.O. Nelson Co. X21.00 <br />per C~, Crane Co. X23.65 less 2;j cash discount(23.18), Gaber Co. X23.65 <br />perCt less 10,'o fob La Porte, La Porte Hardware Co. X21.2.5 perC fob La Porte <br />I~~otion by Benson, second by Roark, that the contract for f~pproximately <br />800 feet of 2" galvanized steel pipe be given to N.O. Nelson Co. on their <br />low bid of ~21~00 per 100 feet, proviating this is f.o.b. La Porte, if not <br />that La Porte Hardware Co., the next low bidder be given the contract. <br />Carried. <br />T.;Zesse~s E.L. Clark, N.n. Gilliam, ~'d.S. Lewis, ~ H.'". Cole, appeared before <br />the Council in the interest of the. installation of the 2" line to feed the <br />line known as the E.I). Clark line, according to contract. Alderman Ruff <br />explained the plan of the City to install this line as soon as the pipe <br />could be delivered. <br />The <br />Gayle City Attorney presented a number of letters with reference to the suit of <br />Bros Gayle Bros. vs the City of La Porte. <br />He also presented letters in regard to the suit of^.T. Baldwin against the <br />City, one of which from '"i.I~~S. Streetman asked authority to employ tyro ®xpert <br />witnesses. <br />T,Zotion by Ruff, second by Roark, that !"~t.r;?. 5treetman be authorized to em- <br />ploy two expert witnesses in the Baldwin Cass. Carried <br />:ewer Alderman Benson presented the matter of the condition of the sewer lifts <br />Lifts especially lift Tdo.2 and after lengthy discussion a motion was offered <br />by Ald. Ruff, second by Roark that the matter of relieving the situation <br />at lift plant No.2 be turned over to the Sewer Comrnittoe to get estimates <br />on the cost of laying a line and the cost of pipe, this to be submitted <br />to the Council at the next regular meeting. Carried. <br />There being no further business, on baotion by Age©, second by Roark, the <br />Council by unanimous consent took ad~ournznent. <br />ecre ary, City o Porte, Texas.. <br />