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• <br />Water T~,~otiUn 'oy i=off, ser.,c,;_d by Agee, that tyro water accounts be charged off the <br />bills City's books as reccrs*~ended by tl~e V:~ater Committee, as follows; L.'.". Knighton , <br />in Sinpsorx Cafe,"5.88 and F.R. Boyle Rent House X1.90. Carried. <br />To Petty Notion. by Boyle, second by Benson, that the wall balances due on V~ater Ar_,.. <br />Accounts courts of persons who Have left the City be transferred to Petty Accounts, <br />the total amount tc be transferred aggregatin~:~ the sum of X127.,6 <br />Carr:Led. <br />L.P. '~+eldg r~~otiary by Agee, second by Benson, that the La I~1orte ~`Telding Co. bill which <br />had been adjusted from •~60.oQ to X27.50 be paid.. Carr:T.ed. <br />Keepers Notion by Agee, second by Boyle, that the bill of A.l?. Busbey covering <br />Exp. the City of La Forte prorate of the e::penses of 1-T.ti'. >±Cepers, 5ta~e Fire <br />Insurance `''n~ineer, for the testing of the Fire Pumpers, in the amount of <br />`12.1!0 be paid. Carried <br />Elec. r.~otior, by Boyle, second by Agee, that the EJeetrical Inspection fees bill <br />Insp. of S.R. Smith in the amount of X23.62, representing 75~ of Permits X256 to <br />26£3 inclusive, be paid. Carried. <br />Wilson Notion by Agee, second by Boyle, that ti.~arrant No. 1651, in the amount of <br />warrant ~1~..00 issued to C.J. ~"!ikon for work on the Fire Trucks be ratified. <br />Carried. <br />Frin.S:Int Notion by Agee, second by Benson, that the City Secretary be instructed to <br />ponds issue a warrant on the Int. ~; Sinking Bond Fund in the amount of X5,820.00 <br />for the purchase of TTew 'fork Exchange to cover the principal of `~3,000.CO <br />and interest of ~R2,820.00 due on CS.ty of La Porte Fefundir_g Bonds on April <br />lOth,1938, and a warrant in the am,.ount of~11.61~ on the General Fund for <br />1?ew Yerk Exchange to cover the commission of 210 of. 1.j charged by the <br />I~:anui^aoturc~rts Trust Ce. c+f P'ew York for handling these Bonds. Carr:i.ed.. <br />Corp.Crt. The r.ayor presented the report of the Cohporation Court for the months of <br />January and February 1938, which.a~as accepted and placed on file. <br />Water The City Secretary reported tr:at the returns on tl:e Y'tater samples for the <br />Samples month of February were good. <br />Fire Ald. Foark offered a motior_ to adjourn, but Ald. Boyle asked that before the <br />:°:ose motion was voted on ho would Like to again present to the Council~~ the mat- <br />ter of the purchase cf additicna.l fire hose for the Fire Department. After <br />score discussion of the matter ~.ld. Agee offered a motion., second by Alcl. Ruff <br />that the City purchase 500 feet of fire hose, but Agee left before the vote <br />was taken. Ald. Roark then called for a vote on his motion to adjourn which <br />resulted in three ayes, one no, Notion carried and meeting adjourned. <br />G <br />r <br />Secretary, City of La Porte, Texas. <br />~~ <br />C-~'- <br />~' -_ <br />/.. <br />,~~ y, <br />Mayor, City of La Porte, Te <br /> <br />• <br /> <br />